Case Study
Markus is a Caucasian 45 year old male, who has been smoking cannabis since he was 18 years old. He now grows his own plants. He used to drink alcohol mixed drinks (2 drinks per night) and 4 or more on the weekends. In the past 6 months the amount has doubled. He is married and lives with his wife and their 15 year old daughter. The presenting problem is physical. He has high cholesterol, irregular heart beat, and is beginning to have memory problems. He went to the hospital because he was having problems, heart palpitations and high blood pressure. He has never sought treatment before but has tried over the past five years to stop smoking cannabis on his own and has not been successful. He says he is too shaky and nervous without it. He has also tried to cut back on his drinking but he is too nervous when he gets home from work and feels he needs the drinks. He is adopted so he has no family medical history. He is currently employed as a producer at the local news station. He has no incidence with the law. His wife would like him to stop smoking and drinking so that his health will improve. His drinking and smoking has caused some problems in his family life.