[ad_1] Considering the elements and principles of art (see a list of 15 of them below), analyze the following piece of art and explain how it reflects its culture. Note: watch this video to understand the culture of the moment (what
[ad_1] In reference to U.S. presidential elections, answer the following in 2-3 sentences each: Do you think voting should be made mandatory/compulsory for citizens? Why or why not? Suppose people were able to cast their vote online. What would be one
[ad_1] For each of the scenarios below, write a one paragraph response (4-5 sentences each), answering the question that is asked. Your company has a strict policy regarding cases of theft of company property. Used company equipment is on a
[ad_1] Instructions Instructions 1. Review the following tabs within Information Literacy Module: Evaluating Sources: a. A Political Sliding Scale b. A News Media Sliding Scale c. A News Reporting Sliding Scale d. What are we up against? e. Visual Literacy
[ad_1] Writing Guide Part I: Selecting/Analyzing a Representation of Disaster Briefly describe media representation of a disaster you have chosen to analyze. Explain what it is, where it is from, and, if it is long or complex, what
[ad_1] Please include the following to create your Argumentative Essay Presentation Plan: Presentation author and title of the presentation (Essay) Purpose: What do you want your audience to obtain or support after the discussion? Audience: What phrases will you adapt-without
[ad_1] English 307 Fall 2022 Dr. Marc A. Ouellette Long assignment #1 Analysis Essay: 2000 (+/- 200) words Value: 25% of your final grade Due: 2 Oct. 2022 “Come together”: The medium, remediation, convergence & more Your task: Pick one
[ad_1] Class notes Parade is a story about a young woman who has been away from home for a while and her family misses a sad story about a young woman who accepted her family’s invitation to come back home
[ad_1] Now that we are beginning Unit 2, you will need to narrow your topic. You have collected a variety of sources on your topic in Unit 1, however, Unit 2 will focus specifically on answering a research question. But
[ad_1] Quote Log Overview At this point you should have selected one of the social issues presented in weeks 2-4 (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth) as the focus of your Case Study Project. For this assignment,