[ad_1] In correctional settings across America, the risk-need-responsivity (RNR) model is actively used to assess offender security and programmatic needs. James (2018) discussed the Risk and Needs Assessment in the Federal Prison System in great detail. Please read this article using the following link: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R44087.pdf. Along with
[ad_1] Overview For this assignment, you will submit your in-depth analysis of the contemporary criminal justice issue that you have selected. This analysis will identify factors contributing to the issue by examining the criminological theories behind it. Specifically, what criminological
Three-Strikes Laws
[ad_1] Three-strikes laws are the most obvious and controversial use of selective incapacitation. In 2004, approximately 26 states and the U.S. federal court system had three-strikes laws. In most cases, three felonious convictions result in a mandatory life sentence with
4-1 Discussion: Discretionary Laws
[ad_1] 5/16/23, 4:26 PM Undergraduate Discussion Rubric – CJ-230-T5246 Discretion in Criminal Justice 23EW5 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1310359/viewContent/24202042/View 1/2 Undergraduate Discussion Rubric Undergraduate Discussion Rubric Overview Your active participation in the discussions is essential to your overall success this term. Discussion questions will
Response 1 550
[ad_1] 250 word response 1 reference due 5/13/2023 Briggs The investigative process is an essential component of the criminal justice system and is the first step in the justice process. The investigative process intends to uncover the facts of a
2-2 Journal: Juvenile Versus Adult: Integrity, Authority, And Discretionary Power
[ad_1] Overview In this assignment, you will explore the roles integrity, authority, and discretionary power play when addressing an adult defendant and a juvenile defendant. Prompt Now that you’ve reviewed the resources about integrity, authority, and discretionary power, you are
2-2 Business Law Project 1
[ad_1] Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Describe the foundational elements of the U.S. legal system and the relationships among them Scenario You are a successful small business owner and have been asked
[ad_1] One week after Watson was terminated, Jabil received a phone call from the human resources department at Tech Data seeking to obtain a reference for Watson. Fitch, the human resources manager for Jabil answered the standard questions, but when
Homeland Security 17
[ad_1] Review, study, and report on a domestic or international terrorist event. Pick one of the following events or an event of your choice. Mumbai World Trade Center Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing. The Aurora, Colorado active shooter incident. Then,
Criminal Justice
[ad_1] At least 1,100 words Times New Roman, 12 pt font Formatting: APA 7 Project Details: The purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on an important issue relevant to the Latina/o crime, criminal justice system, or