[ad_1] Delete all text in red – these are instructions and not part of the SOAP document. Prompt:Patient has hip pain. Requirement: APA format Intext citation References at least 4 high-level scholarly reference per

[ad_1] Delete all text in red – these are instructions and not part of the SOAP document. Prompt:Patient has hip pain. Requirement: APA format Intext citation References at least 4 high-level scholarly reference per
[ad_1] Submit an evidence-based practice assignment about cultural competency in mental health nursing. An evidence-based practice assignment allows you to explore best practice and help improve client outcomes on a psychiatric unit. Your assignment should describe how you, as a
[ad_1] Read the following scenario. You are a nurse on 5 West who has concerns about visiting hours in the Critical Care Unit. The unit currently has a visiting-hours policy that allows patients to rest and the staff to provide
[ad_1] Discussion – Agencies and Who They Serve Directions: For this discussion, review the various healthcare settings in your reading (such as hospital, community health center, etc.) and select one. Once selected, research the internet to
[ad_1] Module 03 D – A Healthy Immune System Reply Post (Post #2) When responding to your classmate, discuss the examples they shared for boosting the immune system and share examples from your own experience. What can you
[ad_1] This assessment is aimed at evaluating the skills you acquired in patient care, big data and technology, decision making, ethics, and leadership in nursing practice. For this assessment, you are asked to conduct a critical review of 5 factors
[ad_1] Discussion Questions There are many factors that will continue to impact community and population health. Consider the past achievements in public health as many have implications around the globe. Describe a global health concern that has impacted your community
[ad_1] Review the scope and standards of practice or competencies related to your chosen specialty in the resources for this module. Review the MSN specializations offered at Walden by viewing the module resource, Walden University. (n.d.). Master of Science in
[ad_1] Assessment 3 Instructions: Applying Ethical Principles Develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional by applying ethical principles. Describe the issues and a possible solution in a 3-5 page paper. Introduction Introduction Whether
[ad_1] 1. Case Study- Hypertension – Make a scenario about the person’s past, for example he is a smoker. Explain his background. 2. What is the Difficulty? 3. Where is the setting? Scenario as he was in pain and went