Introduce a transmedia work that belongs to the genre of the week fan video remake Source text: Harry Potter booksTarget text: Harry potter fan remake videos.(anyone from the link below) 3. Summarize and explain the similarities and differences between the
Picassos Guernica
This week you are asked to consider Pablo Picasso’s painting Guernica. Give three reasons why you do or do not believe this painting has been a successful form of public political protest. You may consider questions like “Would I even
Political Abstraction
How are contemporary artists engaging with abstraction (non-objective art) and modernism? Step 1: See these videos and take notes on these artists different views on abstraction, its legacy in the 21st century, and how abstraction can be political. Julie Mehretu,
Create your own manifesto. Step 1. Watch the movie, Manifesto on Kanopy.To access: Go to the BMCC library webpage (upper right bar on the first page when entering Then click on Databases (complete list of databases) and go to
compare and contrast
comparing thoseneighborhoods with the one her/his group researched. In particular, these essays will comparing theneighborhoods as places for children to grow up, in terms of the variables studied during the semester.All statements in the essay must be supported by data.
Compare and Contrast
“The Formal Museum Paper is five page compare and contrast essay of two artworks at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Observing the primary sources, the student will complete a description and analysis of the historical movements connected to the chosen
Any topic (writer’s choice)
For this specific assignment you will be watching an artist lecture by Tania Bruguera which she delivered in August of 2019 at the Monash University Museum of Art in Melbourne, Australia as the Keynote Address of their two day symposium
Music Perpective Q/A
Please choose two of the following questions and answer them giving your own perspective. Your answer for each question should be about two full paragraphs, more if needed. Please cite outside sources, include a citation page. A What are some
Cinematic Los Angeles: Film and the city
1. After reading: “Cinema and the city” by Knox and picking a quote, answer to these questions: How does the city influence film, and how does film influence the city? (250 words min) begin with the quote and then explain
Any topic (writer’s choice)
For your first assessment you need to focus on a Hollywood case or incident that has been considered controversial. You may choose to focus on a specific film, star, producer, filmmaker that has been publicly criticized, questioned or even denounced.