1. Introduction and Thesis-Introduce the artwork titles, period styles and artists names ( Rubens’ Allegory of War & Velasquez’ Surrender at Breda)-Briefly state what you believe is significant about these artworks-What works of art you will be discussing and why
Dance Module
https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/vp/cf/https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LylhDZu6wxDH6Eqd9igcVN49zOhq758P/view?usp=sharing USE THESE TOP TWO LINKS TO COMPLETE THIS BOTTOM LINK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B-GQa4l9N1bPHydPCxA0OztcR8g93G0d/view?usp=sharing
Concert Reports
Write a report and critiques of three youtube videos of the concerts. Write in three diffeent sections for each concert. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ__lmCOSeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOjHhS5MtvA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyeR-gPakWo
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Read/View the Two Entries: Read the assigned reading and then watch the assigned video in the order they’re listed (reading first, video 2 second). You will be posting once to the discussion board. Your individual post should contain 2 paragraphs:
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Read/View the Two Entries: Read the assigned reading and then watch the assigned video in the order they’re listed (reading first, video 2 second). You will be posting once to the discussion board. Your individual post should contain 2 paragraphs:
Pop Art & Sincerity
When you think of the term Pop art, what comes to your mind? What artworks or artists? From where? How many of them are women? Do you think of sincerity when Pop is mentioned? Should art (of any kind) be
Any topic (writer’s choice)
1. Read the article: “In the #MeToo Era, Do These paintings Still Belong In a Museum?” (Huffington Post online, 2017)https://www.huffpost.com/entry/museums-me-too-sexual-harassment-art_n_5a2ae382e4b0a290f0507176?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADtMWfJzoxdKoQ-qLoIe5KEC2KETC0O7BNV98QMeCi_SYbtgcLvT0SBafQbK_9jpmRWyr5oxJVrHRMU-PktniwVoEbit3mf0oclc6F-Tf7-B-6IGN7DJAps-fR3bCifG1TNcenhSpKV48XLHgn-1vFykSetOhEzy6xUOsLxalZkp2. Prompt for the discussion: a. Imagine you are a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art where this controversy is
Courbet and Realism
1.Read the text written by Gustave Courbet (PDF version in Module 1). Reading-note taking should take 10-15 minutes. 2.Find the following in Courbets text (takes notes, type/write them down): -what he states as his aims, -what he understands as realism,
David Gregory
Your paper should include the following in a well organized, well written report (in your own words): biography of his/her life how he/she became a media personnel highlights of his/her career what he/she is known for, remembered for include any
Concert Report
* Attend a virtual concert (during this semester) and report on it.* Concert Report is due May 21, but may be submitted earlier.* You must include proof of your attendance, such as a scan or photo of a ticket stub,