Individual Paper This assignment is an abbreviated marketing plan for you. Your approach can be marketing yourself for some desired job/position or marketing your own products/services to potential clients. Still, try to focus more on what you personally have
Products and services
The product is Gucci. Answer them in the blank spaces.spaces Products and Services are also positioned in marketing based on product attributes, geography, lifestyle psychographics Review up to 5 marketing communications pieces from the brand and identify what you see
Watch the short video on a business-to-business (B2B) buyer-seller relationship, think about how it connects to what you’ve learned so far, and answer the questions below. Be sure to understand what a B2B relationship is! State the question and then
Power point
In this assignment you will create a presentation to pitch your social media marketing plan to the client. You will include elements from your marketing research, Value Proposition, Competition Brief, and newly created social media campaign implementation plans in the
needing assistance with marketing assignment
Based on what youve learned so far in this course, regarding the 5 Cs, 4Ps, and STP, complete the assessment questions below. Submit the completed template in the Week 10 assignment submission link. Name: Professors Name: Course Title:
international marketing
1. Critically discuss what strategic options are open to marketing firms when attempting to deal with the problems of non-tariff barriers in developing and economically developed countries. 2. Choose at least one industrialized country and one developing country to
Professional selling
The prospecting assignment involves you trying to job hunt, and you are asked to identify a specific job ( in any of the online job search websites, etc) that appeals to you. Then, you will identify the key “prospecting” methods
marketin 405
You can determine the number of slides, but recommend having 7-8 slides, excluding the cover slide and the reference slide. You do not need to follow the APA format in the slides, but please make sure you include the source
Public Relations – Homework
1 – Describe some social media measurement methods for public relations professionals. 2 – Identify which social media measurement are most important for a business. 3- Describe 4 characteristics of the social media policy. Explain how can you build strong
Sports assignment
APA 7th edition to include title page and page numbers as well as references section. Minimum 3 pages not including title page and references. Chapter 4 looks to understand the consumers which Sports are marketed towards. As a consumer, consider