21pts.Thiccasthieves.Ab outtenyearsago,therewasalotofmentioninthepressthatyourfriendsmakeyoufat,whichyounowknowisap eereect.ButwasthereanythingtoitReadtheblogp ostathttps://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/how-your-friends-make-you-fat%E2%80%94the-so cial-network-of-weight-201105242666andanswerthefollowingquestions:(a)3pts.Thesurveyfoundthatheavierp eoplehaveheavierfriends.Isthis,byitself,evidenceofendogenousso cialeects?Explainwhyorwhynotin2-3sentences.(b)9pts.Classifyeachofthethreepathwaysconjecturedasanendogenousso cialeect,exogenous(correlated)eectorcontextualeect.Explaineachanswerin2-3sentences.(c)3pts.Supp oseIwavedamagicwandandmadeyourfriends10lbs.heavier.Basedonthisdescriptionofthestudy,wouldyougainweight?Explainin1-2sentences.(d)6pts.Inlightofyouranswertothepreviousquestion(notyourpersonalpriorbeliefs)doyoundtheinterpretationofthisstudytob ecredible?Commendorcriticizeitin5-6sentences.3.47pts.Growingtogether.Ifyoulo okedatmarriedcouples,youmightthinkthattheirweightsarep ositivelycorrelated,i.e.,overweightp eopletendtocouplewithoverweightp eople,andunderweightp eopletendtocouplewithunderweightp eople.1Let’sexplorethisasso ciationabitfurther.Forparts(a)-(c),youcannotuseanexplanation/pathwaythatwaspresentedinthearticlecitedinproblem2.(a)2pts.Giveoneexplanationforwhycouples’weightsarep ositivelycorrelatedthatisanendogenousso cialeect.(b)2pts.Giveoneexplanationforwhycouples’weightsarep ositivelycorrelatedthatisacorrelatedeect.(c)2pts.Giveoneexplanationforwhycouples’weightsarep ositivelycorrelatedthatisacontextualeect.1Yourobservationisb orneoutinsurveydata.Chen,et.al.(2014)ndacorrelationco ecientof0.24forsp ouses’BMI.1Nowsupp osethatyouaremarried.Youandyoursp ouseeachweigh100lbs.ondayt1.Yourweightondayt,t+ 1,t+ 2,…evolvesaccordingtothefollowingequationofmotion:YourWeightt=you1YourWeightt1+you1CaloriesYouEatt+you2Sp ouse’sWeightt1+you2CaloriesSp ouseEatst+(1)youTemp eraturetYoursp ouse’sweightevolvessimilarly,butwithdierentco ecients.(Theirco ecientshavesup erscriptssp ouseinsteadofyou,e.g.,sp ouse1.)(a),3pts.Whichparameter(s)corresp ond(s)toendogenousso cialeects?correlatedeects?contextualeects?(Hint:ParametersaretheGreekco ecients.Notallparameterscor-resp
Explain which types of market inefficiencies derive from monopolies. Use examples from the textbook to support your claims. Describe the types of inefficiencies that derive from monopolistic competition. Use examples from the textbook to support your claims. How are monopolies
1. Explain which types of market inefficiencies derive from monopolies. Use examples from the textbook to support your claims. 2.Describe the types of inefficiencies that derive from monopolistic competition. Use examples from the textbook to support your claims. 3.How are
Dear writer i want you to write for me introduction about the below topic : Topic Title : The macroeconomic consequences of the fall in oil prices in any of the GCC countries. and you need to explain the importance
I am writing a research paper on whether fracking should be banned in Pennsylvania. So I am looking for someone who can write a section of the paper that researches and analyzes possible alternative sources of energy to fracking (write
Written Assignment 2
This assignment will be like your first written assignment in that I am not looking for you to do research on the topic – I am interested in your personal views and experiences. This time, however, we will look at
Economics Individual Essay
The Qatari government is becoming concerned that Qatari national income has come to rely too heavily on the revenue received from the export of Qatari petroleum-based products. Consequently, the government has asked you, as its Chief Economic Advisor, to write
For this assignment you will summarize an economics research article about your final Big Topic paper. This summary can be a very useful resource for you at the end of the semester; write the summary with the information you want
Prepare a project report on how you would raise fund to establish an Islamic microfinance project in a poor Muslim country of your choice and how you would screen the projects. You should focus on the following points in your
Economic History
Hello, thank you very much for your help! I have attached below all the appropriate documents and the brief of the essay. Please pick question number 3: “Why did so many countries leave the international gold standard in the 1930s?