Please read the following articles which are attached: Many economists defend disaster profiteers. They are wrong, The Economist (Finance & Economics), April 11, 2020Disaster profiteering Price Gauging: a cautionary tale, The Economist (Finance & Economics), October 22, 2020 In a
Explain the Federal Reserve Banks response to the Great Recession. Did it work?
This is a large subject. I suggest you narrow your paper to one or two responses and examine these more thoroughly, rather than a shotgun approach that tries to examine all the Fed Responses. Note the Feds responses are related
World Economies Comparison Presentation
Prepare a 12- to 16-slide presentation for the two economies assigned to your team. Team C: South Korea vs North Korea (Two polar economic opposites, one people) Research each economy assigned to your Team. Compare similarities and differences between your
Benefits of Open Trade
Discuss non-monetary benefits open trade has contributed to the world since the end of WWII. Provide at least 2 examples. Why do you think these are important?How have changes to US trade and tariff policies affected US trade with other
comparative analysis between the Great Depression and the Great Recession
the topic of my final research paper is (comparative analysis between the Great Depression and the Great Recession) and I have already finished my research proposal, which is the file (jinrui,li_v00928771) just continue to write on based on my proposal
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Directions: Go to the Freakonomics website: (Links to an external site.)Find an episode of interest.Make sure that the topic you choose is related to Macroeconomics. Most of the episodes are micro rather than macro, but there are still many to
3-2 Simulation Checkpoint Assignment
Overview The Simulation Checkpoint Assignment in this course directly supports your success on the course project. You will play the simulation game, create the image file of your simulation report, and discuss learned concepts and experiences in your submission.Prompt For
Import and Export
1. What is the top product imported into your state? What is the top product exported by your state? -Indiana is my state and please use the links below as a reference IMPORT – – 2. Using the
The outline intends to prepare you for your final research paper. It will develop your ability to pursue library research. It must show that you have selected an appropriate topic (based upon your interest and relevant to class readings and
Culinary Arts – Breakfast Proteins
Which of the proteins listed above are plant-based? Beans are the winner here, and they are an amazing addition to any meal. Have you ever had beans at breakfast? Today, you’ll be researching other plant-based proteins (especially those that you