I don’t have a question but I want to do people’s homework. I’m 19 and I’m studying mechanical engineering at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. I can do any homework that’s school level from grade 1 all
Which of the following is an equation of linear motion?(where, u and v = Initial and final velocity of the body, a = Acceleration of the body, and s = Displacement of the body in time t seconds.)
need help with my project
Project Description You are task with troubleshooting a piece of equipment and reporting your findings in a systematic way for all to understand. The equipment you select can be work related or personal equipment. You must create a PowerPoint presentation
Need help with my project
You are task with troubleshooting a piece of equipment and reporting your findings in a systematic way for all to understand. The equipment you select can be work related or personal equipment. You must create a PowerPoint presentation and formal
A transistor amplifier stage comprises a transistor of parameters hie = 800 , hfe = 50 and hoe = 20 S, and bias components and coupling capacitors of negligible effect. The input signal consists of an e.m.f. of 60 mV
Solidworks Mechanical Engineering
The introladder and the dim12 files describes the stepladder that need to be built using solidworks. Files 1-8 are the questions related to the stepladder built. If possible, it will be much appreciated to provide the solidwork file for the
THERMODYNAMICS Project – Medford – R600
Your project is to assess a vapor compression heat pump cycle on a daily basis over the course of year at a location to be provided. The year of data provided is a leap year, hence there are 366 days.
HVAC system design
PLEASE READ FIRST Include the following information/deliverables. Background/summary HVAC & Duct System: Layout (line drawings) Show all duct sizes and cfms use round ductwork Show diffuser locations and type (use a schedule Titus Brand) Show terminal units (VAV, FCU, etc.)
HVAC system design
Include the following information/deliverables. Background/summary HVAC & Duct System: Layout (line drawings) Show all duct sizes and cfms use round ductwork Show diffuser locations and type (use a schedule Titus Brand) Show terminal units (VAV, FCU, etc.) (use a
Study skills and research methods
You have to select a topic from mechanical engineering and make assignment of 2500 words. The assignment must be according to description with proper grammar. A sample has been attached. The following files are attached: Assignment Description Sample Assignment example