It has to be no less than 1,000 words no more than 1,250 words It should be in times new roman, size 12, double spaced, no space in between paragraphs, standard indentation at beginning of paragraphs, standard 1 margin all
Th Masque of Anarchy
Study Questions for Shelley: The Masque of Anarchy As with John Clares The Moors, you will need to know a little bit about the historical background to understand Shelleys poem, which is written in direct response to a historical event,
write a persuasive/argumentative essay over an issue that you are passionate about.
The introduction paragraph should do the following: Engage audience and introduce the issue at hand.Establish why the issue matters through background information.Provide a thesis that identifies issue, stance, and overall recommendations for solutions.The body paragraphs should do the following:Discuss supporting
Negative Effects of Social Media
hi there!!! Ive in a college production of Pippin and even though Ive been in great communication with my teachers about my schedule and what may / may or not get done, my english professor has still scheduled a rough
Definition essay: Faith or any other abstract term
Assignment Overview: This formal, multiple-draft essay will allow you to reflect on and synthesize your own definition of an abstract term based on the definition essays and strategies we have reviewed in class. Purpose: This essay will help you develop
Any topic (writer’s choice)
ESSAY ASSIGNMENTSNOVEL ANALYSIS Novel read:Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 Theme:Censorship destroys a free society, which supports individualism; thus, man, who is not allowed to fully express his individuality through thinking and choosing, dies. Assignment:Compose a 1000 word essay, analyzing the theme
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Describe the essence of Carlyle’s critique of social ills in his time. What things does he believe are false solutions? What is his solution? What sort of leaders does he envision as saving his society? The Norton Anthology English Literature
Any topic (writer’s choice)
The Victorian Age 533-557; Carlyle 560- 1.Comment on the important historical and social trends and developments during the Victorian period. What themes and forms became important for literature during this period? 2.Describe the essence of Carlyle’s critique of social ills
U.s trending issues
Revise this sentence to make it vivid: Hakeem was excited when the Seahawks won.Writing Prompt: For this assignment, compose a literacy narrative (3 page minimum) about a personal experience with language, reading, writing, or education. You can write about an
DIRECTIONS: Write a 5-7 paragraph classification essay based on one of the topics below. Read the list of topics carefully before deciding which one you will be narrowing further (consider how you are specifically categorizing the topic) and then categorizing.