Classic Research Essay: Any short fiction work, poem (At least three by one author), or play (i.e. Oedipus Rex) in the text. Identify key literary techniques the author uses in the stories and support your argument by quoting directly from
Is playing the lottery a good idea?
Three separate lines of reasoning to support your position Research to support each line of reasoning (example, testimony, and fact/data, or any combination) that supports your position Research about the opposing positions views Presentation of the opposing views, along
Comparing movies
Write a literary essay of no less than 500 words in which you explore and compare the HerosJourney in Black Panther with the Heroines Journey in Wonder Woman.Argue whether Wonder Womans journey is the same old story (the classic male
Any topic (writer’s choice)
In this module we have discussed identity and relationships, and ways that we are shaped by the people in our lives. This final essay of 1010 will ask you to make a research-supported argument on a related topic of your
Discuss the supernatural in The Ramayana. What role do the gods play in the work? Why might this be the case?
Please read The Ramayana: Write an essay discussing the supernatural in The Ramayana. What role do the gods play in the work? Why might this be the case? Must include: – introduction, a body, and a conclusion– MLA format
Any topic (writer’s choice)
After reading the first section of Monkey Beach, respond to the following:Pick your favourite passage from what you have read so far. How does the passage you have chosen relate to the plot of the novel up to page 73?
Any topic (writer’s choice)
I just need to write 350 word essay. My topic is Status Indians vs non status Indians . I did some research on my topic. Copy and pasted my points. THIS IS NOT MY WRITING. please paraphrase the info i
Any topic (writer’s choice)
For this assignment, please do the following: Please choose a theme from one of the TWO SHORT STORIES THAT WE HAVE READ SO FAR THIS EXPRESS SEMESTER. Please then come up with a thesis statement based on this theme. For
Personal narrative
I need a personal narrative essay. I want the topic to be about my daughter being born. In fathers perception. She was born on Feb. 10 2014. I want to express my feelings In the room and holding my daughter
one of these short story”Revelation” (Perrine pages 468-486 and “Sonny’s Blues” (Perrine pages 159-185
make sure you have thesis and topic sentence and place read the instruction and now copyright everything ur own words. because last one did not type thesis or topic sentence.Choose one of these two topics, and without consulting any websites