Choose one short story written by Nnedi Okorafor and the short story by Okwirir Oduor, “My Father’s Head,”. Be sure to read background interviews and discussions on these authors to help you to relate to their writing. please talk about
Research proposal
Need to write minimum 2000 words to maximum 3000 words of research proposal on female leadership in the context of asia .This research should contain all the following as a main headings. Executive Summary of the Research Project: In one
Feminism and Gender Roles in “Excellent Women” by Barbara Pym
An 8 page paper on the gender roles and feminism in the book Excellent Woman by Barbara Pym. It’s pretty much free range for you to talk freely about both of things from the book. There aren’t many huge details
World literature essay
World Literature Essay #1 Choose two of the texts listed below and write an essay in which you explore the way these two texts address a theme of your choosing. The Hebrew Bible Confucius, Analects The Bhagadvad-Gita The Quran The
ethics & literature
There are total 2 assignments that need 750 words each DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES OR ANY OTHER WEBSITES books pages are included you just have to read and answers the questions try to go deep as much you can.
American literature
Each student will submit an original PowerPoint presentation during the course. The presentation can be about a particular literary movement studied in the course. The presentation must have at least 5 slides with relevant, accurate information (not including the Title
Pharmaceutical Discussion question
2) We value the freedom of doctors and medical staff to speak with whoever they want (such as drug representatives) with some specific restrictions detailed in Sauls article. Is there something unique about the medical industry that justifies increased regulation
Analyze a Story Plot
Choice 6: Analyze a Story Plot Read: Chapters 1-13 (to the end of 13) of Things Fall Apart. For the week 6 RE: Use the first half of Things Fall Apart (or use the whole novel if you have read ahead) Consider
What does justice mean? Do people really have fundamentally different views of justice? Is our definition of justice itself a purely human/social construct?
Your task as a writer is to explore the mechanism by which the idea of justice is constructed. Is justice a relative term, or is there a specific, objective way to define it? Using our readings from the “Justice” module
American literature 1865-present
Each student will submit an original PowerPoint presentation during the course. The presentation can be about a particular literary movement studied in the course. The presentation must have at least 5 slides with relevant, accurate information (not including the Title