Please only provide feedback to the following post: “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” This was a call to action by Paine encouraging parents to get up and fight
Week 3 complete
Week 3 Complete Molloy, M. (2020). Experiencing the World’s Religions (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). use this link to access thebook: 1. This week, we have explored religions whose genesis find their roots in Asia and in
Week 3 Discussion
Discussion Week 3 250 words minimum; 2 scholarly references Book: Molloy, M. (2020). Experiencing the World’s Religions (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). use this link to access thebook: What are two or three basic ideas of the
Applications Of Motivation In Learning Theory
Assignment Content Read the instructions in , and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Transcript Option 2: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Brochure Option 3: Forensic
Notes on Article
I need notes for article analysis. The article is On “Gilgamesh” and Gilgamesh 500 Words in the document preferably. SUMMARIZING the article’s main ideas. ANALYZing the article author’s argument. What is he or she trying to say about the material? What
1. mini-lectures 2. Watch Cats on Broadway here scene by scene.
Intro to world Literature compare/contrast why literature ….poet’s obligation
Compare and contrast Comparison is the ways that things are similar; contrast is the way they are dissimilar.The objective with this exercise is to help establish a sense of seeing through a lens (ex: theme, symbols), capturing global views while
Communication Techniques
Joe Gibbs is a masterful communicator because he can connect with any audience and effectively share his ideas. This week you’ve learned the different techniques leaders like Coach use to communicate with confidence. Now, think of a leader or presenter
How would you capture your audiences attention?
You received an invitation from the president of the school board asking you to deliver an informative speech at your local high school. Because students at the school are currently studying global warming, the president of the school board would
American Literature
In The Way to Wealth, Franklin stresses the importance of frugality. He uses several aphorisms to depict this. One that deeply resonated with me is beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship. Over the last