1) choose a math book written for a general audience which appeals to you from the library 2) read a chapter or a section, (note something that strikes you on the first read) 3) re-read it carefully, (note something else
The President’s role as Policy Maker
Assess the president’s role as a policy maker. Please choose one United State’s President and reflect on one Historical policy making that has enacted. Evaluate which ‘executive powers’ have been attained to pursue the policy making; reflect through comprehensive justification
Project as Final ExamRequirements: Max 15 pages (excluding references and appendix). Double-spaced. Times New Roman 12 point font. General idea: Your project will require a brief introduction, a concise and focused claim (or project statement), two to three main points
Data Governance and Ethical Principles
We want you to discuss here what are the considerations regarding Data Governance on your individual project proposal. Is that an issue? If so how will you explain the issue and propose a solution or strategy? Give us a summary
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Overview of Prompt 2: After reading about a study conducted on concussed student-athletes, you think you’ve identified a possible problem in the setup of the concussion study. In order to confirm your intuition, you use two datasets available to you.
Statistics for Decision Making
Please attach your final report in PDF format only. Font size of 11 pt or higher. For each of the topics listed below, that were introduced in this class, please report the following: 1) Business application (in 6 words or
Complete a 68 page research report in which you form a hypothesis and then conduct a statistical analysis on the data in order to determine whether the hypothesis is accurate or not
Must have the program SPSS This course exercises many skills related to understanding statistical procedures and analysis. For this assessment, you have the opportunity to incorporate many of the skills discussed in this course into a research report. You will
Exploring Number Theory
1) choose a math book written for a general audience which appeals to you from the library 2) read a chapter ora section, (note something that strikes you on the first read) 3) re-read it carefully, (note something else that
Read Instructions
From the projects, I expect: Creativity (were trying to move away from book-like pictures). Think of something a kid would enjoy looking at or enjoy creating. Your project should bring meaning and life to the detailed vocabulary. You, I and
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Answer these questions about the movie Fermat’s Last Theorem – The Theorem and Its Proof: An Exploration of Issues and Ideas [1993] Who is its main character? You may feel that the man is the main character, or you may