Requirements for the Research Paper: SummarySeven to nine pages, double spaced. Research topic in form of a question.AbstractMain body of your topic: To be divided into main heading and subheadingsVERY IMPORTANT: Do not directly quote any sources even if you
Any topic (writer’s choice)
There are 2 parts of this assigment: All the readings i will upload, all the videos I will post the link above Part 1; With specific references to the material, ANSWER below questions. (1 page) With specific references to
1692 Port Royal Earthquake (Jamaica)
Topic- The 1692 Port Royal Earthquake (Jamaica) 1) What happened, when and where, how were people affected? 2) What natural processes led to the disaster? 3) What hazards did people face as a consequence of these natural processes? 4) What
environmental Conservation
Does the financial gain out weigh the environmental impact of mining? Do we need rocks in our lives? Why are some rocks/minerals valuable and others not? Each question should be 300-400 words in length and should be proofread for spelling
What is the value of graphical display in environmental studies research?
The first page of the document should cover the role of graphical display, key definitions of different types of graphical representation used in environmental fields, basics of design thinking, principles of developing effective graphical representations, and notes about best practices.
Article Review
As with the previous written assignment, read the selected article and write a 3-4 page paper (double-spaced, 10-12 pt font, 1000-1500 words) for submission. Each paper should consist primarily of a very detailed review of the article (tell me what
Principle of Geography
This report will provide an analysis of the data collected in the markets and should include a minimum of three figures, one table and one map, based the student-collected data.For this assessment you will present an independent analysis of the
Our Changing Earth: An Investigation of Global Warming for Earth Science
Earth ScienceThis will be done in two parts. Part One will address the natural cycles causing Global Warming, while Part Two will address how human activity effects global warming? The paper is to have 250 words (double spaced; 1 page)
Any topic (writer’s choice)
There are 2 parts of this assigment: All the readings i will upload, all the videos I will post the link above Part 1; With specific references to the material, ANSWER below questions. (1 pages) With specific references to
After learning about several ways in which our everyday actions impact climate change, choose one action to conduct more research on and create a PowerPoint presentation to tell us more! Use the unit material and reliable online resources to gather