1). How might you feel with two separate brain hemispheres, both of which controlled your thoughts and actions but one of which dominated your consciousness and speech? How might that affect your sense of self, as one indivisible person? Provide
Moral Theories
This paper must be no less than 1,000 words and should demonstrate a thorough awareness of the topic as well as the ability to engage in philosophical reasoning. Late papers will be penalized at -5% for the first day late
unit 6 assignment
Choose one of the following financial institutions involved in the subprime lending fiasco and write a paper including a summary of the institutions involvement and the repercussions to that particular institution, a review of the governmental efforts to rescue the
unit 5 assignment
Read the ethics case listed below and answer the questions associated with it. Then, think critically and answer the additional questions posed that relate to doing business internationally and the potential conflicts between domestic and foreign cultures. Ethics case 1:
unit 6 Discussion
Global Ethical StandardsIn recent years, there has been an effort to develop a common set of accounting standards for nations and firms doing business around the world. This has increased the motivation, or need, to establish a global set of
unit 4 assignment 1
Ethics case 1: Carillion Bankruptcy: A Nightmare That Challenged the Foundations of the U.K. Accounting Profession Read the ethics case Carillion Bankruptcy at the end of Chapter 6 of your text and answer the following questions: What are the responsibilities
First, read the excerpt of The Apology: Socrates’ Trial (pages 27 to 31). Incidentally, the word ‘apology’ here means ‘a speech made in defense of oneself’. To get some background of trial that took place in 399 BCE, 2,400+ years
First, consider Ion: After listening to a dramatic reading of Plato’s very short and early dialogue at this link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkgWbg-0OcMI (Links to an external site.) consider the following. Ion was the Brad Pitt or Will Smith of his time. Ion
First, consider Ion: After listening to a dramatic reading of Plato’s very short and early dialogue at this link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkgWbg-0OcMI (Links to an external site.) consider the following. Ion was the Brad Pitt or Will Smith of his time. Ion
Can Computers think and understand? Some have thought that if a computer can pass the Turing test, then it has thoughts and can understand language. What is the Turning test? And is passing the Turing test sufficient for showing that