Using a real-world example that relates to your major area of study or work experience, find at least two places where potential energy (PE) is added into the system to keep things in motion. Based on your observations, make an
Resources: Problems: Question 1 (3points): Calculate the displacement and velocity at time of 0.500 s for a ball thrown straight up with an initial velocity of 15.0 m/s. Take the point of release to be y0=0 Question 2
Choose a real world situation, such as diving off a diving board, rocket propulsion, or birds flying, and select a motion within that situation that does not occur in a straight line, and is set in motion by the interaction
Final Project- physics
You will choose an actual large-scale disaster or catastrophe scenario that illustrates all three units in our class and connects with all three of your Milestones. This can be a man-made or natural disaster. You will act as an environmental
Physical Science Power Point
Prepare an 8-10 PowerPoint Slide brief which will include a title page slide, an agenda slide, the meat of the brief consisting of the homework content, conclusion slide. The brief should include speaker notes(male), in-text citations, and a reference page.
Physics Week 8 part 2
Select FOUR topics from the list to write an APA formatted paper. Discuss: the early ideas about fossils and its contribution towards the development of the Earths crust Be able to interpret and summary the geological formation of our planet
Physical Science
Select a topic that is related to Physical Science and write APA formatted paper (approximately 1600 words five page) and PowerPoint slides consisting of 8-12 slides be posted First, the introduction will introduce your topic, why it is considered important,
Physical science 8
Topic The Big Bang Theory First, the introduction will introduce your topic, why it is considered important, and the consequences, if any, if not addressed. Part 2 is the meat of your Signature Assignment. The three subcategories that Part 2
Physical Science
Write an APA paper that addresses the following:Conduct research either using the textbook and/or online website and provide a summary of the following concepts. The format of your paper must follow APA format guidelines only to the extent you properly
Physical Science 7
Part 1 Write an APA paper that addresses the following: Conduct research either using the textbook and/or online website and provide a summary of the following concepts. The format of your paper must follow APA format guidelines only to the