Please read the scenario below and answer the following questions: You are a Behavioral Health Specialist embedded within a PCP office. The patients in this clinic are a mixture of pediatrics and adults. Due to the recent news of
WK 10 SOCW6362
Sexual trauma is different for each individual who survives it. Some individuals experience trauma as children, whereas others are adult survivors. Some clients may be very communicative about their trauma, while others may have difficulty talking about it at all.
Wk 10 Peer responses
Wk 10 Peer responses Respond to the blog posts of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways: Must respond to each peer individually intext citations and references: Validate an idea in your colleagues post with your
SOCW 6530 WK 11 Final Evaluation and Self-Assessment
SOCW 6530 WK 11 Final Evaluation and Self-Assessment Throughout the past nine weeks, you have had the ability to apply social work practice skills in a real-world setting. At the end of your placement, your supervisor completed a final
Healthcare Podcasts
Search credible websites for a podcast on a specific health problem in Africa. Provide the link to the podcast. Then in 300-400 words, describe your thoughts on this healthcare issue. What is the impact on the population of Africa because
India’s Healthcare System
In 200-300 words, describe Indias health system in terms of cost, quality, and access to care referencing three scholarly sources in APA style. Then in 100 words, describe why you chose those three sources (Why that source provides the best
Final Project: Leadership Assessment Earlier in the course, you were asked to informally evaluate your leadership skills and qualities. In this Final Project, you use formal assessment tools to identify your areas of strength and areas in which you
socw 6060 discussion 2
According to Garland (2013), there is skepticism about mindfulness as an effective intervention. Often, because of its philosophical roots in Buddhism, practitioners and scholars equate mindfulness with New Age beliefs. As a result, some may wonder how effective mindfulness interventions
socw 6060 discussion 1
Upon hearing the stories of sometimes horrific atrocities clients or client families have experienced, you as a social worker may find yourself confronting existential questions such as Why? For example, Why do horrible events happen to good people? Why do
socw 6301
By now, you should be aware that the findings from a research study are only part of the story. As a consumer, hoping to inform practice by use of an evidence base, you want to know much more. A