“What is utilitarianism?” and consider how it applies to the right to protest which we are seeing as an uprise in our country as people take to the streets to express their opinions on passionate topic such as vaccinations, BLM,
Currents Events: Ethical Issues in the Real World
Using one of the (All Major News Networks: CNN, BBC, NPR, FOX, The Washington Post, The New York Times, etc.) search for a current news story that demonstrates a moral or ethical dilemma. Your current news selection must be within the
Discussion: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
View the following video about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the following video which represents an opinion about our failure to defend these human rights by former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Raad al-Hussein: Also, view
What characteristics, traits, and/or approach are necessary to successfully lead an organization or team that operates on the U.S./Mexico border?
This 10 to 12-page essay will ask you to answer one question; What characteristics, traits, and/or approach are necessary to successfully lead an organization or team that operates on the U.S./Mexico border? You will be graded on your ability to
Eurocentrism and Life Span development
Assignment: Eurocentrism and Life Span Development Theories Doctoral students often ask, How do I decide what theory to use in my dissertation or DSW capstone study? Sometimes, researchers select their theory based on the study population. For example, if a
Week 10
Assignment 2: Process Recordings A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing
Reflection on conflict
Please watch the clip from the movie “The Break Up.” Then reflect who you think is most at fault and why. Then I would you like to think about a conflict you have had and think about what could have
Cultural relativism and moral action
Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 1, 2 Lesson Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook InstructionsFor this assignment propose a scenario where you or someone you know are confronted with a moral
Complete the following assignments
1.Complete the document TeachingSam CookeStudyGuideREVISEDFall2020 and TeachingBryanStevensonStudyGuideRevisedFall2020. The assignment is required in two documents, and the answer to each question is only one or two sentences. 2. Complete a final project on any topic you wish that relates to class
10 page paper on a particular aspect of deviant behavior: Smoking Marijuana Identify the aspects of this particular deviance and discuss its overall impact on US society and culture. Discuss accepted policies and practices in dealing with this deviance and