Students should produce a four- page report based on their awareness/prevention campaign about a health policy/ disease affecting womens health locally, nationally, or internationally. It can be a health policy brief or a public health campaign. The intention of generating
Film Review on Cocaine Unwrapped, dir. by Rachel Seifert (2013)
Focus on how the film shapes understandings of drug use, abuse and trafficking. The film review is not a summary. The film review will be two pages in length, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 points. A film review is
Book Review on The Tennis Partner by Abraham Verghese
The book review is not a summary. The book review will be two pages in length, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 points. A book review is not a “book report.” A is a statement or announcement. By definition, statements
Critical Reflection 1 Social Location and Macro Leadership
Social location refers to identity constructs such as gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, class, religion, sexual orientation, geographic locations, and age (Hulko, 2009). Social location influences individual experiences and world views It also coveys the power and privilege
A good research question takes a lot of thought and consideration, even for an experienced social work professional. On your own, take some time to write down as many different questions as you can think of about an area
Many of our everyday perceptions and opinions are formed around a variety of common errors in reasoning. On your own, do a search of daily news stories and social media for examples of stereotypes, assumptions, and other reasoning errors we
4-6 Page paper
Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Health CareOverviewSelect at least five economic concepts covered in the first four weeks readings, and discuss the primary manner in which these concepts impact the world of health care economics. Some examples of
case study worksheet
Analyze the case study to learn more about the parental and cultural influences on parenting. Access and complete the Jindal Family Case Study Worksheet. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is
Juvenile Delinquency The four goals that he would like to use to reform the juvenile system is: 1. Get to know the background of the youth. 2. Engaging the family- To put supportive services in the family that will help work
New York Bail Ban
1. Select an economic case that affected or lead to the creation of a policy. This could be a domestic or international case study. If you are unsure of a case study at the beginning of the semester, begin researching