Go to the birthday card section in a store and observe cards designed for people of different ages. How are the messages on the cards different for different age groups? (If you want to expand on the topic, note if
Assignment 1
FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS BELOW: INCLUDE AT LEAST 3 (THREE) REFERENCES (MINIMUM) FOR YOUR ESSAYS. Ensure that you have included references both within the written document Eg. According to Darwin 2006, Social stratification is defined as OR Social stratification is defined
Critical Diversity Studies Artifact/Article Contribution and Response
PART ONEOnce this quarter, you are expected to find and share an “artifact” or short article relevant to our course and to critical approaches to difference, power, and social justice. Artifacts/articles are due on MONDAY of your assigned week by
Charleston church shooting
The term paper is an opportunity for the student to study a particular criminal case and to explore the sociological concepts you have learned in this class and to apply them to a real-life situation. Your case study is to
Ancient Civilizations
Your completed version of the Ancient Civilizations Three-Column Chart Graphic Organizer: Answers to questions on the chart should be in complete sentences. They should include a correct citation for each of the sources you used to answer the question. Your
Individual Draft Overview
This week you will submit your Individual Draft for review to take you and your team one step closer to your final Team Project. Your draft should reflect the progress you have made in completing each milestone related to the
Environmental Movement Timeline
Create an historical timeline of the modern environmental movement (within or outside the United States) in order to have an understanding of the history of the movement alongside assessing strengths and limitations of each stage. Tasks: The timeline contains at
The Basics: 2 full pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12. Post your reading response as an attachment. Late reading responses will not be accepted. Incomplete responses (including responses that are less than 2 pages) will receive, at most,
Demographic Report
This assignment is closely related to the final Research Paper in Week Five. Please review the instructions for that paper before beginning this assignment. For this Week 3 assignment, you will present demographic data on the city, town, or county
Research this topic by focusing on the following:Define and describe the topic.What is the history of this topic?How does this topic relate to sociology?Look at the topic from the different sociological perspectives (Functionalist, Interactionist, Feminist, Conflict)How does it relate to