Trauma is ubiquitous. While trauma is most commonly associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, trauma can manifest in a myriad of different ways and not every client who experiences trauma will be diagnosed with PTSD. Social workers intervene directly with trauma
SOCW 6111 Week 9 Discussion 2
When working with adolescents you will likely be faced with issues of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation and even attempts. For youth between the ages of 10 and 24, suicide is the third leading cause of death in the United
SOCW 6111 Week 9 Discussion 1
Adolescence is a time of trials and tribulations. Teens are dealing with the formation of self and identifying who they are in the world. They are also experiencing biological changes that create mood swings and at times emotional outbursts. Interventions
SOCW 6111 Week 8 Discussion 2
Specific skills and knowledge are essential for a social worker working with children. Understanding transference and countertransference is crucial to a healthy therapeutic relationship. Both transference and countertransference can be evident in any clienttherapist relationship, but are especially important in
SOCW 6111 Week 8 Discussion 1
Children who have been abused or traumatized in some way may benefit from working with a therapist. Children often reenact trauma through repetitious play in order to establish mastery over their emotions and integrate experiences into their history on their
SOCW 6111 Week 7 Discussion 2
Knowing that clients might react negatively to your work with them may cause anxiety, frustration, and even anger. It is inevitable that you will work with a client who expresses anger or disappointment over working with you. This does happen
SOCW 6111 Week 7 Discussion 1
Exploring the reasons for wanting to be in social work and examining your motives for choosing a career of helping others is very important. Your background, including childhood experiences, may be instrumental in bringing you into the field of social
SOCW 6111 Week 6 Discussion 2
Each year on or around June 15, communities and municipalities around the world plan activities and programs to recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a day set aside to spread awareness of the abuse of the elderly (Center of Excellence
The Undead
Our ongoing fascination with the undead has led to the development of what the author refers to as The Undead Complex (chapter 2). Several analogies are also presented that serve to illustrate the challenges involved in finding a perfect definition
SOCW 6111 Week 6 Discussion 1
In the Christ & Diwan (2008) article, the authors list seven domains that social workers should address in order to fully assess an older clients needs. Each domain is considered equally important. This comprehensive evaluation fits well with the social