MASTER LEVEL Reducing Recidivism for a Specific Type of Offender Select one type of criminal offender (violent offenders, drug offenders, sex offenders, property offenders, et cetera). Write a paper in which you do the following:Identify the type of criminal offender
Topic 4 Discussion Question 1 and 2
250-word response and 1 reference for each DQ question. ***Keep answers to questions separated. DQ1 What is the importance of having before reading, during reading, and after reading learning activities? How does this structure benefit students? DQ2 Explain why reading
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Given Marxs explanation of alienation in capitalist societies, identify and discuss experiences of alienation in your own life. To answer this question, consider: environments you have/your family has worked in; people you/your family might have worked for and/or with; experiences,
Letter to the Congressmen
Yasmin, a sociologist, wants to study the attitudes of the American public on gun control legislation. For her study, she wants to study the attitudes and beliefs of a sample of 10,000 people, but she does not have time to
Advantages and disadvantages of police drones.
-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following 2 scenarios. Also, is the use of drones more beneficial in certain types of activates than in others? If so, why? 1)Utilizing a drone as an alternate way to have a face-to-face
Week 8 Assignment – Evaluation of the Agencys Budgeting and Cumulative Report
As a consultant, you need to develop an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the selected agencys budgeting parameters and then provide recommendations for improvement based on your research of related academic sources and websites. The analysis will be read by
Cultivating Leadership
Education is a commonality amongst some of the most effective police leaders in the world. While leadership can certainly be learned over the span of ones career, some argue that it is observation and error that makes a good leader,
Any topic (writer’s choice)
please respond to this discussion question! Niloo Novelty & More business is to manufacture and sell varieties of children toys, women clothing accessories and dried packaged fruits. Workforce does not seem motivated and there is no formal established method to
THIS IS A 2 PART ASSIGNMENT ON THE FILM THE GODFATHER 1972 PART 1: 900 WORDS THE GODFATHER Explain genre theory and, using Chapter 3 of the text as a reference, describe the conventions and attributes of the genre you
I need a good Spanish translator
Traduccin de un sitio web completo del espaol al ingls; el nmero de pginas est por definir pero por el momento estamos en unas 40 pginas. La mayora de las pginas tienen unas 400 palabras, mientras que algunas pginas (alrededor