
The final part of this class considers mixing research methods, evaluative research, participatory action research, and meta-analysis.  These are approaches to data collection and knowledge generation that cannot neatly fit into the two main branches of research that are quantitative

Plastic surgery addicts

Please use this Resources plus 2 more: Reghunathan, Meera, Parmeshwar, Nisha, Gallus, Katerina M, & Gosman, Amanda A. (2020). Diversity in Plastic Surgery: Trends in Female Representation at Plastic Surgery Meetings. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 84(5S Suppl 4), S278-S282.Australian Society

Sex Trafficking

Resources: Boyce, Sabrina C, Brouwer, Kimberly C, Triplett, Daniel, Servin, Argentina E, Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos, and Silverman, Jay G. 2018. Childhood Experiences of Sexual Violence, Pregnancy, and Marriage Associated With Child Sex Trafficking Among Female Sex Workers in Two US-Mexico Border

general anthropology

The text should be double-spaced, with 12 pt. font and 1 marginsHominin remainsPrompt: Biological anthropologists rely on material remains (bones, tools, etc.) to understand humans evolutionary history. For this essay, review and analyze the work of anthropologists in a site

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