1. Carefully read the journal article “Appearance-Space Texture Synthesis” in
Computer Graphics field. Scan the website (https://hhoppe.com/proj/apptexsyn/)
and watch the video(s) if necessary. This may help you understand the article better.
2. Based on your research of this article, write a presentation script to talk about the
Goal and content of the article in details. The presentation should cover each part
of the article.
3. It is a 15 minutes presentation, the presentation script should around 1500 words.
4. Created 10-15 pages of PPT to match your presentation script as visual aids. The
PPT should contain some key words about each part you mentioned in the
presentation script. You may use the screenshots of pictures and formulars in this
article. In this PPT, you can also use some pictures/formulars from other
websites/articles, but you should cite them at the bottom of the same page.
5. You can search other website or video to help you understand but you do not need
to use other sources in the presentation script. Here is one article that may help,
you can have a peek but not force to reference it.
6. Overall, it is a presentation script. You should not write it as a paper.
7. You can change the price when you post the answer (You can also let me know
before you post the answer via bid message) if you think this work is heavier than
you expected, but you should deliver a high-quality work.