Work with Diverse People
Learner Workbook
Table of Contents
Activity 1A to 2C Feedback – for assessor. 16
Activity 3A to 4B Feedback – for assessor. 22
Knowledge Activity (Q & A). 23
Knowledge Activity Feedback – for assessor. 25
Part-1 Case Study- Canteen menu. 26
Part-3 Role Play (In simulated environment). 29
Major Activity Feedback – for assessor. 35
Instructions to students:
The purpose of this learner workbook, assessment workbook, simulation diary or logbook is to provide a guide of instruction and information in relation to the relevant assessment tasks. As a learner, you will be provided with information relating to your assessment, including how they are to be completed and submitted. Therefore, it is important that you fully understand the assessment instructions given by your trainer to avoid issues such as academic misconduct, submitting past the due date and providing incomplete assessments, which you will be required to resubmit. If you fail to understand or need more clarification on the assessments, you are required to contact your trainer/assessor for further information.
The aim of assessments is to test your knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the topics being taught within a given course. This will be done by using an assessment criterion which shows what you need to do to achieve the appropriate level of competency. For the purpose of completing a written assessment, you are required to:
- Complete each question, including any sub-questions;
- Provide in-depth research on the topic, using appropriate primary and secondary sources;
- Respond using a clear structure (e.g. Introduction, points of argument or fact, conclusion), including references to the sources used.
All assessments required to be completed are compulsory as it is a required condition of your enrolment.
The assessments within this document can be completed through several approaches such as:
- Observation of real, indisputable actions as they occur;
- Written or oral task such as reports, role play, work samples etc;
- Portfolios;
- Questions, or third-party evidence, in which the relevant document (observation document is to be completed by the agreed third party.
All documents relating the third-party observation is to be provided to your trainer/assessor as this will be used in determining your level of competency. Third-party evidence can be obtained from supervisors (e.g., from the workplace), or clients/customers.
Please be informed that all assessments are to be typed up. Any handwritten assessments will not be permitted unless approved by the trainer/assessor. You must also comply with assessment policy and procedures at https://aibtglobal.edu.au/support/student-forms/policies/.
Simulation diary (if required):You will do the simulation tasks as a part of your course in the designated simulated environment.
During the simulation session, the student is required to meet the following requirements:
- Follow the dress standards -enclosed shoes, appropriate clothing (no shorts or skirts)
- Be aware of relevant procedures in case of accident, emergencies, evacuation
- Follow the start and finish times, breaks, work routines, etc.
- Follow the policies on personal phone calls and personal emails.
- The attendance for simulation sessions will be monitored as per ‘AIBTGlobal’s Monitoring Student Attendance and Academic Progression policy and procedure.’
- Students should follow the standards of behaviour and comply with ‘AIBTGlobal’s Student Conduct Rules’.
- Students should come prepared for the planned activities for simulation.
Observation/demonstration/simulation (if required):
You may be required to perform tasks/works/assessments through observations, simulation, or demonstrations. Your trainer/assessor will provide you with a list of demonstrations, logbooks, simulation diary or any other related documents for tasks/works/assessments. The observation, simulation or demonstration can occur in the workplace, or the training environment such as workshop, or simulation labs. During observation, demonstration or simulation, you will be provided with necessary information (e.g., timeframe) and equipment and/or materials to complete the task. You are required to perform the work, task or assessment in accordance with the required instructions.
Upon completing the following assessments, your trainer will either mark the assessment indicating S for satisfactory or NS for not satisfactory (requires more training). If you, as a learner/trainee, receive satisfactory marks for all assessments within this module, you will be graded a “C” for ‘Competent’. In vice versa, “NYC” for ‘Not yet Competent’, in which your trainer will provide adequate feedback and give you a chance to resubmit. If your second submission of assessments is still NS, you may be required to (i) resubmit assessments on the third attempt or (ii) redo the course unit again, which requires re-enrolment. Please be aware that the third attempt of resubmission or re-enrolment to the course can result in additional costs/fees.
As a learner, you have a right to appeal a decision or outcome of an assessment if you feel like it was made unfairly. However, this complaint must first be resolved with the trainer/assessor before lodging an appeal. If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, then a written application of the appeal can be made to the course coordinator, outlining the grounds for the appeal in accordance with the complaints and appeals policy and procedures at https://aibtglobal.edu.au/support/student-forms/policies/.
Learning adjustments can be made for any candidate who has special needs (e.g., a student with a disability). However, the trainer/assessor must be well informed about this so they can immediately implement the necessary adjustments and have it ready before commencement.
If at any event during or after the assessment process, the trainer/assessor requests you to provide additional information or an alternative submission to establish your level of competency, then you are required to do so. However, you must do so in a way that avoids any issues of privacy or confidentiality.
All information provided to us regarding your job, workplace and employer will be kept confidential in accordance with the relevant law. However, it is your responsibility to check that all information provided to us does not involve details unrelated or not agreed upon for disclosure. For example, information about your employer, colleagues and other related third parties who might be involved. Although we may require information about these other parties, it is your responsibility to check that valid consent has been given from these individuals before providing us with the requested information. This process of obtaining information from the relevant parties must also be done in accordance with the relevant law.
Recognised prior learning
Any candidate may apply for credit transfer which they wish to count towards their course credit following the application and assessment process of the credit transfer policy and procedure.
Academic Misconduct includes plagiarism, cheating and/or collusion, or any act or omission by a student which attempts to circumvent or defeat the integrity of the College’s assessment process. Without limiting the scope of the definition of academic misconduct, examples of plagiarism, cheating and collusion are provided below:
Plagiarismis defined as taking someone else’s work or ideas and submitting it as their own. This may include acts such as, but not limited to:
- Copying the direct words of a sentence or paragraph presented in a source, without referencing it or giving it proper acknowledgement. This also extends to any structure used in completing the assignment; and
- Submitting the same assignment as another learner who either is currently or has previously completed it and presenting it as their own work.
Cheatingoccurs when you behave dishonestly in an attempt to obtain an unfair advantage in any form of assessment. Examples of cheating include:
- Failing to adhere to examination conditions, for example, speaking or communicating with other candidates in an examination, bringing unauthorised material into the examination room, reading or attempting to read other students’ answers, leaving the examination or test answer papers exposed to another student’s view;
- Impersonating another student or arranging for someone to impersonate a student in any assessment task;
- Purchasing assessment items from a contract cheating or ghost-writing service and presenting them as the student’s own work;
- Allowing others to complete any assessment task and/or submit an assessment task which is not the student’s own work;
- Fraudulent representation of any required documentation, for example, prior qualifications, or medical certificates.
Collusion is defined where a learner collaborates with another learner currently enrolled or graduated to produce an assessment which is submitted as their own. This may involve two or more learners working together to produce the content of an assessment before submission.
Plagiarism, cheating and/or collusion is a behaviour that is strictly prohibited, therefore, prior to completing your assessment it is advised that you refer to our Academic Misconduct policy and procedure at https://aibtglobal.edu.au/support/student-forms/policies/ to ensure relevant compliance. If you are found committing any of these acts, you will be investigated in which the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. As a result, it is important that you raise any questions regarding plagiarism, cheating and collusion with your trainer before submitting the final assessment.
Student Details
Student ID: _____________________________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________
I declare that
- The content in this document is my own work, based on my own study and research and no part of it has been copied from any other source, except where acknowledgement/reference has been made.
- The content in this document is my own work and no part of the work has been copied from any other student who is currently studying or was graduated from the college.
- I have read and understood all instructions and requirements for the work, task, or assessment that is assessed by my trainers and/or assessors. The understanding includes the submission date and time.
- I will keep a copy of my submitted work (e.g., logbook, or assessment).
I have read and understood the assessment policy and procedures, and academic misconduct policy and procedures:
- I will perform my work to the best of my ability.
- I will not commit academic misconduct stated in academic misconduct policy and procedures. Academic misconduct behaviour may result in ‘not competent’ result of the unit of competency.
- I understand if I receive not satisfactory for my work/assessment/task, it will result in not competent result for the unit of competency. This can result in work/assessment/task resubmission and re-enrolment of the unit of competency which can incur additional costs/fees to me.
- I understand thatany assessment/task/work deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted.
- I give permission for my assessment/task/work to be reproduced, communicated, compared, and archived for the purposes of detecting academic misconduct and to fulfil any related College’s policy and procedures
- I am aware that if I disagree with the assessment/task/work result, I have the right to appeal the result. I will follow the complaints and appeals policy and procedures at https://aibtglobal.edu.au/support/student-forms/policies/.
- I take full responsibility for the correct submission of this assessment/task/work in the required place/channel with the correct cover sheet.
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________
ONLY If assessment/task/work is required to be completed as part of a group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below:
If you are NOT instructed to complete the assessment, work, or task in a group or in pairs, you or any other student will NOT fill or sign this section below and MUST NOT work in a group or in pairs. Failure to comply will result in not satisfactory result of required work, assessment, or task.
The content of this work/task/assessment is completed by the students named below. All students acknowledge that the assessment, work, or task must be completed by everyone’s equal contribution and in accordance with the requirements. All students declare that no part of this assessment, task, or work is taken from or completed by any other student. If the assessment, work, or task cites or paraphrases information from other sources, reference and acknowledgement of those sources must be provided.
Student 1:
Student ID: ____________________________________________________________
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Student 2:
Student ID: ____________________________________________________________
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Student 3:
Student ID: ____________________________________________________________
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Student 4:
Student ID: ____________________________________________________________
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Learner Activities
Estimated Time | 30 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity toidentify and reflect on own social and cultural perspectives and biases |
List the possible different diverse groups that may present in Australian workplace. Identify at least one of your cultural biases.
Activity 1B
Estimated Time | 30 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to work with awareness of own limitations in self and social awareness |
Explain how one of the social biases identified in Activity 1A may affect your work, and how you can improve it.
Activity 1C
Estimated Time | 20 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to use reflection to support own ability to work inclusively and with understanding of others |
What is meant by non-judgemental practice? What values may affect it?
Activity 1D
Estimated Time | 25 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to identify and act on ways to improve own self and social awareness |
List ways you can improve your self and social awareness.
Activity 2A
Estimated Time | 20 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to value and respect diversity and inclusiveness across all areas of work |
What is diversity and inclusiveness in the workplace? List some of its benefits
Activity 2B
Estimated Time | 20 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to contribute to the development of work place and professional relationships based on appreciation of diversity and inclusiveness |
How can you coach other to develop professional relationships at workplace with diverse group of people?
Activity 2C
Estimated Time | 25 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to use work practices that make environments safe for all |
Define cultural safety and how you ensure it in the workplace.
Activity 1A to 2CFeedback – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for theactivity or if reassessment is required.
Learner’s name | ||||
Assessor’s name | ||||
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title) |
CHCDIV001- Work with diverse people | |||
Date(s) of assessment | ||||
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the competency of the learner? | Yes No
(Please circle) |
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? | Yes No
(Please circle) |
The learner’s performance was: | Not yet satisfactory | Satisfactory | ||
If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment: | ||||
Feedback to learner:
Learner’s signature | ||||
Assessor’s signature | ||||
Activity 3A
Estimated Time | 30 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to show respect for diversity in communication with all people |
How can you show respect for diversity in communication?
Activity 3B
Estimated Time | 30 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to use verbal and non-verbal communication constructively to establish, develop and maintain effective relationships, mutual trust and confidence |
Describe non-verbal communication techniques to maintain relationships.
Activity 3C
Estimated Time | 30 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to where a language barrier exists, use effective strategies to communicate in the most efficient way possible and seek assistance from interpreters or other persons according to communication needs |
How can you overcome language and cultural barriers?
Activity 4A
Estimated Time | 30 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to identify issues that may cause communication misunderstandings or other difficulties and consider the impact of social and cultural diversity where difficulties or misunderstandings occur |
What issues may cause communication difficulties and how can you overcome them?
Activity 4B
Estimated Time | 30 Minutes |
Objective | To provide you with an opportunity to make an effort to sensitively resolve differences, taking account of diversity considerations and address any difficulties with appropriate people and seek assistance when required |
How can you resolve diverse communication difficulties when you encounter them?
Activity 3A to 4BFeedback – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for theactivity or if reassessment is required.
Learner’s name | ||||
Assessor’s name | ||||
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title) |
CHCDIV001- Work with diverse people | |||
Date(s) of assessment | ||||
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the competency of the learner? | Yes No
(Please circle) |
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? | Yes No
(Please circle) |
The learner’s performance was: | Not yet satisfactory | Satisfactory | ||
If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment: | ||||
Feedback to learner:
Learner’s signature | ||||
Assessor’s signature | ||||
Summative Assessments
Knowledge Activity (Q & A)
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.
Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.
All answers will vary depending on the learner and the organisation they work for but the learner should be able to answer each question competently.
- What information about a cultural group may you have to become aware of in order to work effectively with them? How cultural difference can have impact on work role?
- What types of diversity may you encounter in your role?
- How can your attitudes impact diverse groups of people?
- How may cultural diversity impact different areas of work?
- What legal methods are there of protecting diverse people from discrimination in Australia?
- Choose one of the following areas of diversity and explore in detail their characteristics and factors that may affect people in the group:
- Culture, race, ethnicity
- Disability
- Religious or spiritual beliefs
- Gender
- Generational
- Sexual orientation.
- What social, political and economic issues affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?
- What could the impact of adversity from being part of a diverse group include?
- What resources may you need to work effectively with diverse groups?
- What may affect people’s attitudes to diverse groups in Australia?
- Give an example of a time in your experience when diversity practices have improved an interpersonal relationship.
- How do you think that different cultural influences and changing cultural practices have impacted on Australian society? Consider possible political, social, economic and cultural influences while answering.
Knowledge Activity Feedback – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for theactivity or if reassessment is required.
Learner’s name | ||||
Assessor’s name | ||||
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title) |
CHCDIV001- Work with diverse people | |||
Date(s) of assessment | ||||
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the competency of the learner? | Yes No
(Please circle) |
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? | Yes No
(Please circle) |
The learner’s performance was: | Not yet satisfactory | Satisfactory | ||
If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment: | ||||
Feedback to learner:
Learner’s signature | ||||
Assessor’s signature | ||||
Major Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the followingperformanceevidence:
- Undertaken a structured process to reflect on own perspectives on diversity
- Recognised and respected the needs of people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds in at least 3 different situations:
o selected and used appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication
o recognised situations where misunderstandings may arise from diversity and formed appropriate responses.
Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.
All activity answers will vary depending on the learner and the organisation they work for but the learner should be able to demonstrate their competency in the unit requirements.
Case Study- Canteen menu
Fadi has put in a formal complaint about the food that is being served at the work canteen . The menu is mainly focussed on western style, is very dull and often does not cater for the devout Muslim. As he is a Muslim, Fadi requires a Halal
The canteen staff always provide another alternative when pork is on the menu but yesterday, when pork sausages were on the menu, the only alternative was fish – Fadi’s concern was the pork sausages may have contaminated the fish as they were next to each other.
Fadi asked the canteen staff if the two food items had been in touch of each other, the canteen staff were unable to answer as the food already comes in cooked.
There are many different nationalities and it is impossible for every cultural food requirement to be catered for all the time. However, 20% of the staff are Muslim and often feel discriminated against as there never seems to be enough food to meet their requirements.
The canteen kitchen is keen to help out as much as they can, as long as it is within their tight budget.
Question 1: | What rights does Fadi have? |
Answer: |
Question 2: | What process should be undertaken to investigate this complaint? |
Answer: |
Question 3: | Suggest three strategies that might solve Fadi’s problem |
Answer: |
Question 4: | How can Fadi be offered choice in determining solutions to his problem? |
Answer: |
Self Reflection
Write a self reflection of 400-500words while undertaking a structured process to reflect on own perspectives on diversity.
In your resposne please ensure that you:
- Identify and reflecton your own social perspectives and biases
- Identify your limitations in self and social awareness
- Identify and act on ways to improve own self and social awareness.
Role Play (In simulated environment)
Task overview | Role Play (Observation). Learner will be completing the role plays in given 3 scenarios. |
Assessment Context
Instructions to the candidates |
This task will be performed in a simulated environment
This is an observation of you performing a role play and must be undertaken in a structured process to reflect on your own perspectives on diversity, recognise and respected the needs of people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds in at least three different situations. You will be required to select and use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication, recognise situations where misunderstandings may arise from diversity and form appropriate responses The Assessment will be performed by: Reading the scenario Form a group of 3-4 participants who will take on the roles as mentioned in the scenarios. Delegate each participant a role Collect required resources Complete each task Submit all documents to your trainer for assessing
Scenario 1 You are an administration assistant for an organisation. All of the employees at your workplace are Australian born and the organisation prides itself within the community by displaying and reflecting on the history of the community. You have just found out that next week, a new employee (Lucca) who brings great skills will be appointed to your team and your manager has informed you that Lucca is from Italy and has only been in this country for 6 months. You were also informed that Lucca can speak a little English and your manager has asked you to buddy up with the Lucca to induct him into the reception and staff areas. To ensure that you cover all information relevant for the Lucca’s first day; you utilise the induction form stored in the staff files, upon reading the induction you notice that it is confusing and worded wrongly but there’s no time to inform your manager. You decide to use the induction as a guide only and make adhoc adjustments during the induction. Lucca arrives for work the next day and you introduce yourself and being the induction. Your first task is to introduce Lucca to other team members. During the introductions, each person asks Lucca what accent he has and where is he from. Some staff asked Lucca on occasion to repeat himself because they could not understand him. Also, the signs on the amenitiesrooms are all written in English. In the induction, Lucca informs you he finds it hard being in a new country as things are hard to understand and misses his family and friends back home. You sympathise with him and offer support where you can. You are feeling embarrassed for Lucca due to the poor process of the induction and lack of staff incite and the inappropriate diverse environment within your work place. You realise that if your manager informed you earlier and you had more time to plan the day, you would have planned the induction and made the environment quite different. Now reflect on what would you do differently in the induction for Lucca, and how could you make Lucca feel more at home in your workplace. Spend 15 minutes with your group and discuss that an induction should be conducted to ensure a more inclusive and diverse environment, think about non-verbal communication, document on the paper and then share the outcome of your group’s discussion with the class. Your trainer will assess you on the way that each participant has implemented a more culturally diverse induction and how you have thought about a more diverse environment in your workplace prior to Lucca arriving. Scenario 2 You have noticed that there has been an increase in various ethnic background and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients at your workplace and you have overheard a few of the staff inappropriately comment on how they feel about the new clients utilising the services at your organisation. These comments have made you feel uncomfortable as you and your ancestors are from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander decent, but you don’t want to create a scene or be bullied from other staff, so you decide to discuss your feelings with your manager as well as express your concerns for clients in the waiting room overhearing there comments. Your manager is quite upset and very supportive towards your sensitivity about what you told them and apologises to you for having to experience unnecessary behaviour, your manager informs you that all staff will be discretely spoken to about cultural sensitivity and will need to undertake cultural diversity education and training. You leave work for the day feeling much better about the situation. In your groups, discuss and document on the paper what actions could be taken to improve cultural sensitivity in the workplace. Scenario 3 On Tuesday you arrive for work at the office and you notice a person with a disability arrives in a wheelchair. You observe they are finding the entrance to the waiting room a slight struggle as it is hard to get through the door in the wheelchair. You introduce yourself and ask another staff member to offer assistance by moving some chairs around in the waiting room for the person with a disability to have space. At that moment you realise that the waiting area and access to the building is hard for people with disabilities. There is a staff meeting being held tomorrow and you want to bring this concern to everyone’s attention, to support these situations you want to create a disabled friendly environment. In your group create a plan for appropriate seating arrangements in a waiting area and utilising the chairs in the classroom from the seating arrangements to see if your plan is appropriate and document your plan on the paper.
Resources required | Paper, Pen, utilise chairs in the class room to form a simulated waiting room environment, wheelchair |
Assessment conditions | Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment and the role play of an administration area to reflect the real-life work place that students will be exposed to.
Role-play observations checklist
(For Assessor to complete)
Trainer and Assessor will complete this checklist as they observe, ask questions and assess the student’s performance | ||
Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) | |
The participant Identified and reflect on own social and cultural perspectives and biases
(Student compared his/her cultural and social perspective with the given situation) |
The participant worked with awareness of own limitations in self and social awareness by recognizing other people’s discriminatory actions (Student compared his/her limitations in self and social awareness with others in the given situation) |
The participant used reflection during the role play to support own ability to work inclusively and with understanding of other differences |
The participant Identified and acted on ways to improve own self and social awareness during the role play | ||
The participant Identified and reflected on own social and cultural perspectives and biases during the role play |
The participant valued and respected diversity and inclusiveness across all areas of work during the role play |
The participant contributed to the development of work place and professional relationships during the role play |
The participant used good work practices that make environments safe for all during the role play |
The participant showed respect for diversity in communication with all people during the role play |
The participant used verbal and non-verbal communication constructively to establish, develop and maintain effective relationships, mutual trust and confidence to clients during role play |
The participant used good communication strategies and resources where a language barrier existed, that were effective in the most efficient way possible, during the role play |
The participant seeked assistance from interpreters or other persons where appropriate to do so according to communication needs to support a client |
The participant identified issues that may cause communication misunderstandings or other difficulties during the role play |
The participant resolved where difficulties or misunderstandings occurred, considered the impact of social and cultural diversity by reconciling the situation |
The participant made an effort to sensitively resolve differences, taking account of diversity considerations during the role play |
The participant addressed any difficulties with appropriate people and seek assistance when required during the role play |
Observation Sign in Sheet
Course | CHCDIV001 – Work with diverse people | ||
Student Name | Student ID |
1st Attempt | Student Signature | Date Assessed | ||||
Assessment Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Yet Satisfactory | ||||
Feedback | ||||||
Assessor Name | Assessor Signature | |||||
2nd Attempt | Student Signature | Date Assessed | ||||
Assessment Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Yet Satisfactory | ||||
Feedback | ||||||
Trainer/Assessor Name | Trainer/Assessor Signature | |||||
Major Activity Feedback – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for theactivity or if reassessment is required.
Learner’s name | ||||
Assessor’s name | ||||
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title) |
CHCDIV001- Work with diverse people | |||
Date(s) of assessment | ||||
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the competency of the learner? | Yes No
(Please circle) |
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? | Yes No
(Please circle) |
The learner’s performance was: | Not yet satisfactory | Satisfactory | ||
If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment: | ||||
Feedback to learner:
Learner’s signature | ||||
Assessor’s signature | ||||