- Choose one of the six articles we have read so far:
- “Intro to Globalization”
- Once you select your article, you will create an annotated outline to summarize what you have learned. I want to see that you can successfully synthesize the key terms, concepts, debates, and theories posed in the articles. Some reading and note-taking tips:
- Some of the readings can be dense and challenging, but my goal for you is to identify and analyze the central themes and arguments put forward, not necessarily the specific details.
- It is more engaging and helpful to write down notes while you are reading the articles to help you better comprehend what you are learning.
- You will encounter some terminology you are not familiar with–don’t skip over them! I advise students that if there is a vocabulary word/term/concept you are unfamiliar with, to Google the definition.
- Be patient! Learning how to write–whether it’s essays or annotated outlines–takes time, practice, and effort. I am still learning how to write better myself (and I still Google big vocabulary words I don’t know the definition of!)
Choose one of the six articles we have read so far: “Intro to Globalization” Once you select your article, you will create an annotated outline to summarize what you have learned. I want to see that