Complete an observation of a 2nd grade classroom while math is going on. Use the attached template
Look for the following:
What to look for:
Note the classroom organization, procedures and student characteristics
Keep a running record of what happens during the instructional period to get an overview of the lesson. How was the lesson introduced? What connections to previous
learning and experiences were made? How did the teacher provide a summary and lesson wrap-up? Record observations without making judgments.
Observe how the lesson was organized. Look for objectives, materials, methods and procedures, individual student adaptations, homework assignments, and how the lesson was assessed.
Observe how the teacher resolves problem situations.
Look to see how the teacher keeps the students focused during a lesson. Key in on the words or actions used by the teacher to reinforce appropriate
behavior and redirect inappropriate behavior.
Identify any modifications or accommodations that were used.
Note the time that the teacher started each “piece” of the lesson to examine the “pace” of the lesson and how the teacher manages to fit the structure of the lesson into the allotted time period. Pay particular attention to time spent introducing the lesson, passing out materials, reviewing past learning, teaching a new concept, practicing new learning, assigning homework, cleaning up, etc.
Watch the teacher’s movement and how he/she circulates around the class.
Observe how the teacher responds to questions.
Determine how the teacher solicits participation of all students.
The observation should be used as a tool to obtain factual information that can later be analyzed to gain better understanding of instructional procedures and classroom interactions. This understanding will help refine teaching techniques.