- Change user name and initials.
- Open the Word Preferences dialog box .
- In the User Information area, type your first and last name in the Name text box and your first and last initials in lowercase letters in the Initials text box.
- Check the Always use these values regardless of sign in to Office box and close the Word Options dialog box.
- Change Display for Review view, review and delete a comment, and turn on Track Changes.
- Change the Display for Review view to All Markup and review tracked changes in the document.
- Read the comment on the first page and then delete the comment.
- Accept All Changes in the document and stop tracking changes.
- Change the left and right margins to 1″. NOTE: Mac users if you receive a message saying the margins are out of the printable area, click the Ignore button.
- Apply styles to the title and headings.
- Apply the Title style to the title on the first page.
- Apply the Heading 1 style to all the bold headings.
- Apply the Heading 2 style to all the underlined headings.
- Apply the Heading 3 style to all the italicized headings.
- Insert and customize footnotes.
- Insert a footnote after the Skiing Procedures heading on the first page.
- Type Skiing procedures vary depending on the clients needs. as the footnote text.
- Insert a footnote after the Guiding Techniques heading on the second page.
- Type A minimum of two guides is required for all clients. as the footnote text.
- Change the footnote Number format to A, B, C and change Numbering to Continuous.
- Insert a custom table of contents.
- Place your insertion point at the beginning of the document and insert a page break.
- Type Table of Contents on the first line on the new first page and press Enter.
- Apply the Title style to Table of Contents on the new first page.
- Place the insertion point on the blank line below the “Table of Contents” heading and before the page break.
- Insert a Custom Table of Contents, use Fancy format, show 2 levels of headings, show page numbers, right align page numbers, and do not include a tab leader. HINT: Click the Table of Contents button and then select Custom Table of Contents… to insert the Custom Table of Contents.
- Insert header and footer.
- Edit the header on the first page (table of contents) and insert a right-aligned Page Number at the top of page.
- If necessary, remove the blank line below the page numbers.
- Go to the footer on the same page and insert the Title document property field on the left. Use the right arrow key to deselect the document property field.
- Press Tab two times and insert the Company field on the right.
- Bold the text in the footer and close the footer.
- Insert page breaks to keep headings with the text below.
- Insert a page break before the Beginning Wedge Christie Turns heading (page 4).
- Insert a page break before the Introduction to Equipment heading (page 5).
- Insert and modify a cover page.
- Insert the Facet cover page.
- Delete the Subtitle field.
- Place the insertion point on the blank line between the Title and Abstract fields and insert the Company document property field.
- Delete all other fields on the cover page.
- Select the Company document property field, change the font size to 20 pt, apply bold formatting, and change the text color to the fourth color in the first row of the Theme Colors (Blue-Gray, Text 2).
- Update the entire table of contents
computer word