Mr. Charles Lamont is a 45-year-old patient who is visiting his primary care physician for his an annual checkup. His wife is waiting for him in the lobby; she is hoping that Mr. Lamont will tell the physician about his recent bout of coughing and shortness of breath. Mr. Lamont works for a construction company as a heavy machine operator. He smokes 1 packs of cigarettes per day. His wife has been encouraging Mr. Lamont to stop, but he has not showed any interest in quitting. Laura, the registered nurse, takes Mr. Lamont to an examination room. Laura asks him about his overall health and he tells her about a nagging cough and how he sometimes feels short of breath. He then denies any other health problems. Laura takes Mr. Lamonts vital signs and gets the following results: blood pressure, 156/94 mm Hg; temperature, 99.8 F orally; apical pulse, 104 beats/min; respiration, 25 breaths/min and regular; and pulse oximetry, 95%.
Concept Map 1