Concept Map:
Using the “Concept Map Template” in the Web Links section, complete the following (do not include patient identifiers):
A. Describe the pathophysiology related to a disease process, disorder, or injury.
B. Identify at least 4 critical cues that are relevant to the patient’s current condition.
C. Analyze the 4 critical cues from B by making 3 supporting connections between the cues and patient conditions.
1. Identify 2 cues of concern related to the patient’s overall health outcome.
D. Determine 3 hypotheses critical to positive patient outcomes, listing them in order of priority.
E. Develop 5 SMART goals with appropriate interventions that will positively impact patient outcome and are appropriate to the care of the patient.
F. Describe how each of the 5 interventions from E will be prioritized and implemented into the patient’s plan of care.
G. Describe how the 5 interventions from E were effective or ineffective in improving patient outcome or care.
H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.