Submit a 600-800 word written critique for each. The “live” concert critique should follow the Listening and Writing Listening Assignment format, but will be a longer version. MLA Format.
Instructions: Review the Concert Critique Example before writing your own critique. Then, write your own critique.
Concert Critique Guidelines
- Context. Give the background and general performance information.
- Impressions. The most important part of your review should consist of your individual perspectives on the component parts of the entire performance.
- Likert-Type Scale Rating. Using a Likert-type scale rating from 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest), rank the performance based on the overall quality, personal enjoyment, setting, etc.
Performance Qualities.
- Write one paragraph (3-4 sentences) about each piece or movement performed.
- List the title/composer and write brief historical notes.
- Using the knowledge that you gained in this course, explain the strengths and weaknesses of each performance.
- Include three musical aspects (melody, rhythm, harmony, form, expression/dynamics)
- Response. How did the audience react to each piece in the performance?
- Programs. To what extend did the printed programs help you with this critique?
Additional Aspects.
- When/Where did the work premier? (Ex: 1891, London England, Queen’s Court)
- Was the original performance considered to be a success or a failure? Explain.
- Were the performance pieces considered standard repertory today? Or, were they obscure?
Due FRIDAY 11-11-22 BY 3PM EST
Concert Critique