This assignment requires students to align central aspects of the evaluation with some elements of previous assignments. The following elements must be included:
Evaluation Model and Research Design: Review how you will use the evaluation model you have selected. Also using the information on evaluation design in FSW (pages 387-406) indicate the evaluation design to be used as part of this program evaluation.
Participants: describe who the participants will be along with the sampling procedures.
Data Sources and Instruments: beginning with formal instruments (e.g., standardized tests) and moving towards informal approaches (e.g., unstructured or informal observations), describe each of the data collection instruments and approaches that will be used to gather data. Write a paragraph for each instrument or approach and provide information about the name of the instrument, the author and the year it was created as part of a subheading. Provide psychometric information when available and indicate if the instrument will be used as intended or if it will be modified. Finally, if the evaluation includes qualitative data collection approaches (e.g., interviews, focus groups) and/or evaluator-developed instruments, the information should be included in this section as well (see table
16-2 on page 442 in FSW for a list of possible means of data collection).
Procedures: provide a brief description of how the steps necessary to conduct the program evaluation. This section should be brief, but provide enough detail so that another evaluator is able to follow these steps and conduct a program evaluation of a similar program.
Data Analysis: using the information on pages 444-446, and for each of the evaluation questions, provide a sentence or two about how the data will be analyzed.
Data Visualization: discuss approaches for how you would visually present quantitative and/or qualitative data that you obtain from your program evaluation. Present examples that contain hypothetical data.
Anticipated Challenges and Limitations: provide a brief description of the different challenges that the evaluator may face during the evaluation process. The nature of these challenges may range from practical ones (e.g., limited access to participants, absenteeism, etc.) to more formal ones such as the threats to the internal validity investigators must account for in traditional research.