Topic to write on “Business: logistics, operations, finance, international trade, regulatory systems”
Research and find a topic related to current scientific, human, social, business, or economic problems. Refer to the “Contemporary Issues in Science and Technology Research Guide” for possible topics. In a Microsoft Word document a maximum of 750 words, include the following:
- Research the historical, social, professional, ethical, and legal aspects of your discipline. Identify a problem facing the world today and create a problem statement. The problem statement should be objective, backed by statistics, clear, and concise. The problem scope and affected population(s) should be inherent to the problem statement.
- Rationale: Analyze the social and professional context of your discipline. Provide a one-paragraph explanation of why the topic is important, both to you personally and to the profession, as well as its effect(s) on the professional and ethical environments.
- Vision Statement: Include a version of the world where the problem remains unsolved, as well as a version of the world if the problem were to be solved.
- Define the factors that affect the problem, and clearly identify metrics that show the severity of the problem.
- Once the measurable factors have been identified, determine how this data can be gathered for future analysis.
The assignment requires a minimum of 3 peer reviewed journal articles from the last 5 years. Articles with no designated author are no allowed. Citations must be made following APA.
Contemporary Issues in Science and Technology Research Guide