Core Reading Programs
Choose a core reading program. You will have to research to find programs. Think of textbook companies. Evaluate its 3rd grade scope and sequence. Consider the following questions?
- Are more frequent sound/spellings introduced before less frequent sound/spellings?
- Is a combination of consonant and short-vowel sounds introduced early in a sequence?
- How many lessons separate the introduction of letters that both sound and look alike; for example /b/ b and /d/ d?
- How does the overall scope and sequence of phonics elements compare with the General Sequence for Teaching Phonics Elements listed in Chapter 6?
- What modifications should be made for a student with an eligibility of Specific Learning Disability in Basic Reading Skills and Reading Fluency?
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Core Reading Programs Choose a core reading program. You will have to research to find programs. Think of textbook companies. Evaluate its 3rd grade scope and sequence. Consider the following ques