- Coombs and Holladay, Managing Corporate Social Responsibility, pages 1-49 and 153-163.
- Jacquelyn Smith, Forbes Staff (2014). The Companies With the Best CSR ReputationsLinks to an external site.
- JurateBanyte and AgneGadeikiene (2013). “Long-term Relationships between Consumer and Socially Responsible Company: The Effect of Consumer’s Support for CSR,” International Journal of Management Cases, 15:2, 153-168.
- John Paluszek, “Transforming Communication/Corporate Social Responsibility,Links to an external site.” including three-minute video, 2014.
- “Harvard’s Michael Porter Tell Us How Business Can Win Back Its’ Reputation,Links to an external site.” CSR For Forbes.com.
- “Corporate Social Responsibility is an Investment in the Future: Markus Conrad, Tchibo chairmanLinks to an external site..”
- Patagonia Corporate Responsibility.Links to an external site.
- Video debate with Robert Reich and David Vogel on CSR.Links to an external site.
- CSR Report – Analyze a Fortune 500 multi-national company’s most recent social responsibility report. Prepare an approximately 1000-word analysis that 1) identifies CSR issues important to the company, 2) describes the company’s CSR philosophy and approach, 3) explains strategies used by the company in addressing CSR issues, and 4) analyzes the company’s approach to CSR in the context of CSR concepts discussed in Coombs and Holladay. Post your analysis on the Discussion Board.
Corporate Social Responsibility