create a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over on Kwame Kilpatrick. All of your research for this presentation must be done on the Internet and using online resources available through the Utica College Library, especially WestLaw, Business Source Premier and other UC library resources. 

conduct research about how the crime was committed and set forth the results of your research in as much detail as time allows. The rest of the presentation will follow the format that is set forth below.

 II.    Structure of the Presentation

       The case scenario presentation for this course should follow the following components and structure:

       Title Slide


o   A one-slide (not more) summary of your presentation

      The Scenario (facts) of the Case

o   A detailed presentation of the facts of the case.

       Statutory Law

o   A listing and description of federal laws that apply to your selected fraud or economic crime.

o   Do not include the actual text of the statutes unless they are brief.  Lengthy statutory provisions should be placed in an Appendix.

      Regulatory Provisions

o   A listing and description of federal regulations, if any, that apply to your selected crime.

      Legal Discussion and Analysis

o   A discussion of cases of how the facts of the case constituted the crime. In other words, what were the elements of the crime(s) charged and how did the conduct of the perpetrator(s) satisfy those elements.

      Works Cited

o   A list of all sources you used in your research and writing.  This includes sources even though not cited in the text.

o   whatever style you are used to using should be followed (for example, MLA, Chicago, Turabian) and you should be consistent.  Use in-text reference style for the text portion of your presentation.  For materials obtained from online databases, the reference should be to the original work (for example, Wall Street Journal), not to the database (for example, Proquest).  Reference to Internet sources should be to the Internet website (URL).


Should include material too cumbersome to place within the text. You need not have an Appendix; it depends on whether you have material that, if included in the text itself, would make the reading too cumbersome and interrupt the flow of the presentation.

The presentation shall be at least 25 slides. Be sure to follow the guidelines provided below for creating a powerful presentation. 

Below are some instructions on how to properly construct a PowerPoint Presentation.  

  • Create a Voice Recorded Powerpoint Presentation, 5-10 minutes in length.
  • Students will prepare a voice-over PowerPoint presentation. 
  • Students will be required to do outside research on the individual topic chosen.

Points to consider but are not mandatory.  These are simply suggested subtopics to cover.  You may organize the presentation to fit your particular case.  These 4 areas are things you should have woven within the presentation.  They are not meant to be used as the titles of your slides.  Your presentation should be more than 4 slides especially if you follow the guidance below.

  • Please include references slide at the end of your presentation.
  • Do not use VoiceThread.  PowerPoint will do the work for you.
  • Before constructing your presentation, please review the resources I have provided below regarding effective presentations and PowerPoint.
  • Once your topic is approved, you are expected to prepare a visually powerful and dynamic presentation.
  • I want you to pretend that I know nothing about your topic.  Therefore, the presentation should be educational and informative.
  • A powerful presentation is one that has visually stimulating slides that are not jam-packed with words.  Most of the words should come from your mouth in the form of the spoken word.  Do not write slides and then read them to me like a lullaby.  I assure you that I am capable of reading.  It has been proven that it is impossible for humans to both read and listen effectively at the same time.
  • You must use at least 3 properly cited scholarly resources throughout the presentation.


create a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over on Kwame Kilpatrick. All of your research for this presentation must be done on the Internet and using online resources available through the Utica Col
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