1. Please read the detailed report. You will use the paper I attached to just add 2 MORE PAGES.

Escobar was a Police Officer with the Orlando Police Department (hired 2012).  Incident occurred Oct. 2014. He was assigned to an area known as the Paramour section of Orlando. At the time of the incident he was assigned to uniform patrol. XXXX and Escobar responded to two individuals fighting and that one was possibly armed. The officers arrived and observed two males and one female in front of the location to which they had been dispatched.

Officer: XXXX observed a male quickly (cousin of Refus Holloway) wake away from the group which they had observed. The officer stated that the moment the individual made eye contact with him he began to avert his eyes and pick up the pace.

Refus Holloway former military Police officer. Second individual arrested on scene. States that he was visiting his cousin which resided in the complex where the officers had been dispatched for the fight.

Luciarae Fripp Sister to Refus Holloway, member of the US Army and was present during the incident. She was the party responsible for filming and posting the video to You tube.

Cousin of Refus Holloway arrested for possession of Concealed Firearm.

I will now relate the trial as I observed it and I will attempt to summarize the incident for the purpose clarity and expedience.

Luciarae Fripp was asked for an accounting of what had transpired at the incident. She was also asked where they were prior to the incident.  Fripp testified that they had been at a family party before going with her brother to visit their cousin. She was asked if they had consumed alcohol. Fripp stated that she had consumed a couple of Mikes Hard Lemonade, but had not even finished the second bottle.

Refus Holloway stated that he had consumed a red solo cup of Ciroc Vodka (unknown amount).

Fripp testified that they were outside the cousins residence when the police rolled up on them. She stated that the police officer followed her cousin as he attempted to go back into his apartment. Fripp testified that she then observed her cousin thrown to the ground and arrested for no reason.

Holloway stated that his cousin and him where outside of the complex when two males where engaged in a fight. One male was identified as slim (street name) and the other individual was not identified. Then stated that the unidentified then pulled out a firearm.

Not wanting for the violence to escalate Holloway and his cousin interceded and told them to stop fighting. After they interceded unknown to Holloway a fire arm was recovered by his cousin from the area from where the initial fight had occurred.

Holloway testified that he was just hanging out when his cousin stated that he had to go to the bathroom and then he observed the police run up to his cousin and throw him to the floor for no valid reason. He stated I’m a military police officer they can’t do that. I’m going to run to my car and get my military I.D. and show them I’m a police officer.

(At the time of the incident Holloway was not a member of the military. His status was not allowed into testimony and his discharge status from the military was not introduced in court.)

Holloway then states that he ran towards the officer with both hands up with his military Identification in one hand and his other hand open towards the officer.

Fripp states that is when she saw the police officer pointing a gun towards her brother face for no reason at all, and that she thought that her brother was going to be shot by the officer. She started to weep on the stand.

Holloway then stated that as he walked towards the officer the officer was pointing his flashlight at him and kicked him for no reason. (it was actually his Dept. issued firearm that has a flashlight attached) Holloway stated “officer why did you kick me”. When asked if he had grabbed the officers leg Holloway stated that he would never grab an officer leg. What had occurred was that as the officer was attempting to kick him he placed his hand in a “V” like formation to protect his groin. Holloway stated that the officer’s foot had gotten caught on the back of his hands.  ” I never grabbed his foot and the moment that I saw him losing his balance I let him go.”

Holloway stated that at no time was he aware that his cousin was carrying a firearm.

Holloway was then sprayed with OC (Oleoresin Capscium) Holloway stated “Officer why did your mace me? I was then thrown to the ground and hit by P.O. Escobar, stated Holloway.

XXXXX stated that when he attempted to grab the cousin there was a brief struggle ensued and he pulled a firearm from the suspect. Unable to secure the suspects firearm and not knowing the condition of said fire arm he drew his service weapon.  All as Holloway was charging at him. Since Holloway failed to stop when ordered by the officer, he kicked Holloway to prevent him from advancing on him. Holloway advanced on a uniform officer that had two guns drawn on him. XXXX officer stated that he had never seen anything like this in his career.

During this incident Escobar was handcuffing the cousin as officer XXX attempted to stop Holloway’s advance. Escobar stated that a larger a crowd started to gather and they were outnumbered. Since one firearm had been recovered he feared for his life and that he would not go home to his family that night.

Escobar stated that Holloway had attempted to kick him and that he refused to stay on the floor. Escobar stated that he used the amount of force to get him to comply and make him stay on the floor. (His defense used frame by frame pictures of the video that showed the ongoing struggle on both sides and planted the seed of reasonable doubt in the jury.

At the end a body cam video showed Holloway being placed in the back of a patrol car. As he was being placed he stated in a loud voice “All I did was grab the cops leg”.

2.  Rewrite the entire assignment addressing the same issue. The detailed report will enlighten you as to what actually occurred at the scene. When you rewrite your essay you should concentrate on the following:

1. Did the media distort the story? How would you explain the discrepancies?

2. After reading the detailed report, do you feel that the media attempted to make this incident a news Icon.? After reading the synopsis does this qualify as a “news Icon”?  Should reporters be required to follow a case and report the truth?

3. After knowing all the facts of the case. Why do you think the officer was terminated? Do you agree?

4. After reading the following synopsis how would you write this article to the public? How would present the story to the public? (As a Public Information Officer for the Orlando Police Department before the media).





Criminal Justice
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