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Value: 40% (30% for IAS201)Length: 1000 words (4 x 250 word paragraphs) Due: We will work on drafts weekly from week 3, due Monday, 23:59 (CST), Week 7 (April 19) Learning Outcomes for this Assessment:2. Cultural Contexts: Apply understandings of culture and concepts of a cultural self to develop a framework for understanding cultural contexts of interactions and subsequent analysis of personal attitudes and actions.3. Power Relations: Critique the role of power in intercultural interactions and relationsTask details: Answer each question each week in about 250 words.Use the TEEL structure for your paragraphs, critically reflecting with at least one example from your observations or experience and an in-text reference;
- Topic sentence,
- Explanation and Example,
- Evidence (reference) and
- Link back to main idea of the paragraph.
Draw on your experiences and reference the key points made in the readings with in-text references (APA style guide here: and write an APA compliant reference list at the end.ALL STUDENTS (IAS201 and CUC107) :Answer each of these questions after reading, working through the materials and attending the tutorials each week, and make sure you follow the Criteria:
CUC107: ( 201 students must include readings weeks 1-6) 1. Consider your IAT results, and which of Kandolas (2013) 3 ways of holding bias did you respond most strongly to? What relation of power (Cummins, 2009) can you see manifesting from this bias in your academic or professional life? Use an example that helps you establish Principle 1: How you Recognise and Manage your bias using Kandola’s ways of holding bias and ways to manage it (video from week three) so that your relations of power are more collaborative (Cummins, 2009)2. Using a cultural border crossing’ (Aikenhead, 1996) you have made; describe how that was affected by the academic or professional context and the power relations (Cummins, 2013, 2009) . Conclude with Principle 2: How you make / made a ‘cultural border crossing’ (Aikenhead, 1996) more collaborative (Cummins, 2009) 3. How do you develop equity and acknowledging privilege? ( McIntosh, 1988; Gorski, 2014). Conclude with Principle 3: How you would advise someone/yourself how to manage your/anothers unearned privilege (Macintosh, 1988) in order to be more equitable, be more equity- literate (Gorski 2014)?4. How do you understand and respect diversity in cross cultural learning and work environments, and how does diversity and inclusion (Bali, 2016) terminology define power relations and generate interactions? Conclude with Principle 4: How you would describe ways to be inclusive and embracing of diversity (Bali, 2016)
- Submit all 4 answers in ONE word document with your name, unit and assignment number ( Jamie Green, cuc107 or ias 201, A2)
12 point font, 1.5 spacing, Arial / Calibri / Times New Roman font style, ‘Normal’ margin setting in word ( 2.54 cm). This assignment will be submitted through Safe Assign Software.
These 4 principles form a framework you will use to analyse an intercultural interaction in Assessment 3.