Reply A Grant
I think social media is the biggest influence in everybody’s daily lives at this point. It used to be like tv and ads but Instagram and TikTok and Snapchat are all one big ad. They are ingrained in all our lives like an extension of ourselves. I spend the most time on Instagram because I have a few group chats on there. Therefore, I rely on it to communicate with my friends the most. It feels like an endless cycle being a part of a consumer world. It is never enough. There is always something new that will make your life easier or better. I am made aware of my own habits as a consumer when I look at my bank account. I just use social media to talk to my friends and I don’t really scroll because I know it’s all just an ad.
When I look at my own social media account it’s bare. I only have a few posts on my Instagram. I do this so people can’t make inferences based on my photos. I have a picture of my girlfriend and a happy birthday post for my brother and that’s about it. They say I value my family and intentional important relationship are of high value to me. The positive aspect of social media is that it allows us to communicate with our friends like never before. However, it’s a huge waste of time and numbs us to our daily lives. I like to think of wasting your time scrolling as a form of running away from something. You’re uncomfortable with your daily life so you hop on social media to run from that feeling and numb yourself up. I don’t have social media anymore for this reason. So, I am content that it’s out of my life.
Reply B Jacquel
Are you being consumed? I would have to answer, YES! I don’t feel I scroll for hours with no intent or rush out to buy electronics. I would say I use technology with intent. Now with it is not justifiable to me that when I am on the search for an item or recipe or how to video that I don’t get bothered because even if it is a positive or helpful thing, I am using technology for I still feel consumed. We use smart devices all through our home and carry our phones with us even to the kitchen or bathroom. To have something be that much a part of you bothers me yet I have not taken too many actions to counteract the action. I have never been big on buying the latest gadget and usually am years behind when I get with the trend. I do find things positive about the technology and social media world. I get a lot of useful information in a time where we don’t teach one another hands on. We can now make videos or post instructions. It is an adjustment.
My use and feed of social media is majority family, friends, and my faith. I look to social media feeds for words of encouragement and enlightenment. I believe you must put a strong boundary on social media and technology use, or it can and will consume you. It was built to be an addiction and addition to us I believe. With all good things too, much can be bad. I will often take awareness that I have been looking down for a long period of time to where I am not taking in what’s around me and when I do look up, I see those around me looking down. It is then when I feel the guilt of being consumed. I will take a break and go to a physical activity or talk to those in the room with me. It is challenging to say the least to find the balance of technology, social media, and life.