Virtuous leadership is reflected by Personal, Spiritual, and Professional characteristics. One leader who exemplifies these characteristics is Marion E. Wade, owner of Service Master who founded the company in 1929 and worked to incorporate his “strong personal faith and a desire to honor God in all he did. He started his own business and is a former baseball player. His personal convictions were brought into the business world, where he saw great worth in individuals. You can see his leadership in the mission and vision of his company, where the purpose of his company is to “Glorify God.”
You can also see these characteristics reflected in the Service Master organization’s mission, We are wholeheartedly committed to providing quality service and peace of mind for all of our customers, utilizing clear and consistent communication, and authentic care and integrity in all we do. We intend to accomplish this by first adhering to our Corporate Objectives, which are: To honor God in all we do, Excel with customers, Help people develop, & Grow profitably. Their vision is to be the market leader in the communities in which we serve, continually and authentically developing relationships throughout our journey. We are the go-to trusted resource for all commercial and residential cleaning & restoration needs.” Their values are “our accepted principles of doing business; it is what we believe in and how we choose to behave.” They include “AUTHENTIC CARE, INTEGRITY, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, and TEAMWORK.”
Give some examples of other Virtuous Business Leaders, either those you know personally or those you know in your community. Please share why you consider them to be virtuous business leaders.
200 to 250 words
APA 7th edition