- including: Reading Summaries (3 texts), Discussion of Design Object, refined Essay Question and Bibliography.
- The first task requires you to gather and summarise information relevant to your Research Essay. You should choose an Essay Question from the list provided, and read and summarise at least 3 relevant scholarly texts (summaries should be between 200-250 words each). You should draw on recommended texts from the list provided, and you should also search for additional relevant texts in the library catalogue. You will also choose a design object that you plan to address in your Research Essay, and write a short analysis of it (250-300 words). Based on your preliminary research, you may refine your chosen essay question if necessary. Make sure you include a bibliography in Turabian style; listing the texts you have referred to and any further relevant articles that you have found. Overall the Preliminary Research should give an indication of the focus and scope of your Research Essay.
Design research methods and seminar (Preliminary Research )