Suggested Formats: PowerPoint or Prezi presentations Model based presentation Poster presentation Creating video to demonstrate/show the topic Report in Microsoft Word Creating animation to demonstrate/show the topic Course Outcomes: 1. Apply the scientific method to propose a hypothesis and set up an experiment including positive and negative controls and appropriate units of measurement. 2. Predict the numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons given the atomic symbol or limited information for a specific isotope of an element and relate them to atomic mass and charge. 3. Determine chemical names and/or chemical formula for diatomic or simple polyatomic compounds and draw a Lewis structure, construct a molecular geometry and determine the polarity for a covalent compound. 4. Balance chemical equations, calculate the molar mass of all compounds in the reaction and demonstrate how mole ratios play a role in stoichiometry. 5. Predict how a change in one or more of the parameters of a gas alters dependent gas parameters such as pressure, volume or temperature. 6. Calculate the concentration and volume of a solution given solute and solvent parameters. 7. Predict the properties of and identify reduction and oxidation agents as well as acids and bases by analysis of chemical formulas, chemical reactions, and solution pH values. 8. Differentiate the common classes of organic functional groups and identify the appropriate common or IUPAC names, applications, and chemical structures for simple organic compounds, 9. Differentiate between the types of radio-active decay at the subatomic level and provide real-world applications, sources, and risks. 10. Contrast the synthesis, composition, structure and functions of major biological macromolecules and Illustrate the process of flow of genetic information. Suggested Project Topics: Linking ADPIE/ADOPIE to the scientific method (CO 1) Chemistry and public health effects of the Flint River crisis (CO 6, 7) Isotopes in cancer treatment (CO 9) Uses of radioisotopes in imaging techniques and importance of these techniques (CO 2, 9) Use of radioisotopes in diagnosis and therapy (not including imaging methods) (CO 2, 9) Simple ionic compounds in healthcare and their uses (CO 3) Why certain molecules are able to cross the blood brain or placental barrier or skin while others are not (CO 8) Relating stoichiometry to dosage calculations (CO 4) Application of the ideal gas laws to gas canisters (CO 5) Acidosis and Alkalosis (CO 7) Tracking the functional group similarities between a series of synthetic drugs and the natural compounds they were based on (CO 8) Chemistry of therapeutic drug(s) and how they affect health/human body (CO 8) Chemistry of recreational drug(s)/chemicals and how they affect health/human body (CO 9/10) Use of polymers in clinical interventions (CO 8, 10) How vitamins and minerals/trace elements affect health/human body (CO 3) Chemistry of nutrition (CO 10) Looking at the gene sequence that is linked to a genetic disorder (CO 10) Gene Therapy (CO 10) Additionally, all sources used must be properly cited. (5 points)