Directions: after reading the lesson notes (13) for this week, along with the period introduction, the headnote to the epic, and the epic, answer one of the following questions (your choice—but don’t pick a question that has multiple responses already and for which you don’t have anything significantly different to add to the conversation).
- How are ancestral lines treated in the epic?
- How is the oral tradition of the epic conveyed in the structure of the story?
- What is dalilu(don’t hesitate to look this word up) and how do the characters in the epic use it?
- What is the role of kinship in the epic? Provide at least three specific examples of the role kinship ties play.
- What trials must Sunjata undergo in order to achieve success as a warrior and ruler of the Mande people?
Directions: after reading the lesson notes (13) for this week, along with the period introduction, the headnote to the epic, and the epic, answer one of the following questions (your choice—but don’t