You will create a fictitious patient based on your family assessment and use the attached to create a discharge plan for that patient.  Includes hypertension in the diagonsis. Save the Discharge Plan Template to your files.  You can type right into the document, save it, and submit for grading.  You are to complete all sections of the discharge plan:  assessment, diagnosis/plan, education needs, financial worksheet, and the reflection and conclusion.  You need to be as detailed as possible in filling out all the boxes. The reflection and conclusion section allows you to summarize the patients plan of care based on all proceeding information and to make recommendations for the plan of care for the patient.  Reflect on what you learned in this assignment.  What do you think about using this discharge plan, did it help you to consider areas you might not have previously included in a discharge plan?  Please follow the provided for your guidance. 

Please follow the provided for your guidance. 




10  points

6  points

3  points

0 points


Family Assessment

Completes all sections in full and submits   Family Assessment document

Completes some sections of family assessment   document in full and other sections using simple answers

Provides simple answers on Family Assessment   document

Does not submit family assessment document



25 points

17 points

9 points

0 points


Discharge Plan


General Information

Current Medications

Activity of Daily Living

Patient Support System

Medical Follow-up

Financial Summary

Develops a detailed assessment of the   patient

Outlines an assessment of the patient   and/or missing some elements of the assessment

Defines an assessment of the patient   including minimal detail and/or less than half of the elements of the   assessment

Does not address this section



15  points

9  points

3  points

0 points




Nursing Diagnosis

Client Outcomes/Goals

Designs a detailed diagnosis/plan

Defines a diagnosis/plan and/or some   elements of the diagnosis/plan

Lists a diagnosis/plan and /or less than   half of the elements of the diagnosis/plan

Does not address this section



12  points

6  points

4 points

0 points


Education Needs




Develops all elements of the education needs

Defines half of the elements of the   education needs

Lists less than half of the elements of the   education needs

Does not address this section



20 points

12 points

4 points

0 points


Financial Worksheet

Future Medical Care



-Tx interventions

Medication Needs


Diagnostic Testing

Future Adjunctive Tx

Medical Equipment


Home Furnishings & Adaptations

Potential Complications

Financial Summary

Develops all elements of the financial   worksheet appropriate to patient. patient needs, and requirements

Defines half of the elements of the   financial worksheet appropriate to patient. patient needs, and requirements

Completes less than half of the elements of   the financial worksheet appropriate to patient. patient needs, and   requirements

Does not address this section



18 points

12 points

6 points

0 points


Reflection and Conclusion

Interprets the complete format and a   develops a conclusion for the plan of care

Evaluates what was learned by doing the   assignment

Reviews the format and does not fully   develop a conclusion for the plan of care

Reviews what was learned by doing the   assignment

Defines the format and does not present a   conclusion

States what was learned by doing the   assignment

Does not address this section



discharge plan
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