Format Current APA format Double-spaced Times New Roman, 12-point font Left-justified only, with 1 1/2-inch margins on the left side and 1-inch margins at the top, right side, and bottom Numbered pages Show block quotations for quotes more than 40 words: o Single-spaced with double space separating quotes o Indented 5 spaces from left-hand margin o No quotation marks Content Content of your topic and/or paper: o Concepts from the textbook that are related to your topic, including page numbers where the concepts may be found. Credit will only be earned for concepts supported by page numbers. (Essentially, this is accomplished through integration of the relevant course content, using properly-formatted current APA citations.) o Use current APA in-text citations to credit sources listed in the reference list as appropriate References o Reference page including active URL links (not included in page total) o Single space between references and double space within the reference
Discuss the contribution of patient safety, quality of care, and economic interests to the need to identify and quantify effective clinical decision support best practices.