200 to 250 words Discussion
- introduce your entire piece and author preferably in your first statement.
- Use author’s first AND last name and then LAST NAME only. Do not refer to authors (unless they are children) by their first name in these writings.
- When using textual evidence as secondary claims, remember to introduce quotes with a signal phrase or transition. In most cases they cannot stand on their own and remember quoted material is only to be 10-20% of your essay. The best strategy is to use a combination of brief quoted original phrases or ideas and your own paraphrasing to help support your primary claim works best.
- Do use an MLA heading and title. Also, do include in-text citations and a works cited entry for quoted OR paraphrased material
Topic – John Updike’ “A & P “
There is a second link which is an article link on this topic.
Identify 1-2 secondary themes (you can select from these and/or add your own – Affection, Disrespect, Social Class, Disaffection, Rebelliousness, Belonging, Self-Awareness, Self-consciousness, Vulnerability, Naiveté, Deceptiveness, Loss of Innocence, Recklessness, Introversion, and Extraversion) and note their connection to the overarching theme of coming-of-age. Remember your group should propose a primary claim that connects your identified theme(s) as well as secondary claims to help support your argument. Please consider how kairos might apply to this text. You may use 1-2 outside sources to support your group analysis.