Purpose: Understand the data and topics needed to build a physician schedule in a scheduling system
Task: One of the office managers from the clinics has come to you to create an electronic schedule for Dr. Bob. Dr. Bob has been using paper appointment sheets and the office manager got him to agree to a daily schedule.
- Bob sees Rechecks and procedures for 30 minutes
- Bob says Recheck wound takes 20 minutes
- Bob wants to limit to 3 new patients a day.
- The new patient visit takes an hour.
Using this information and the attached handwritten sheet, create a list of appointment types (page 8 in the lecture) and a provider schedule (page 10).
The list of visit types should detail all the visit types and the pertinent information needed to schedule those visits (name of visit type, length, any special limitations, etc.)
The Provider schedule should be broken up into consistent blocks throughout the day, for example, 08:30-08:35, 08:35-08:40, etc. You can break up your provider schedule in whatever way you choose, but it needs to display all visit types.
Criteria for Success: 10 points possible
- 2 points for an electronic list of appointment types
- 2 points for identifying all visit types requested in the list of appointment types
- 2 points for providing an electronic schedule
- 2 points for provider schedule designed in equal blocks
- 2 points for including all requested visit types in the schedule and observing any limitations defined.