Reply to the below post in 200 words. The reply must include at least 2 scholarly sources (published within the last 5 years) in addition to the course textbook (attached) and relevant biblical integration. All citations and references must be in the current APA format. Do not repeat the same sources as the original post; use the text or Biblical integration.
During his presentation, Jeff Van Duzer speaks about the purpose and the practices of businesses within a biblical world viewpoint and just how these same businesses should conduct themselves from God’s perspective. Jeff Van Duzer points out that there is a majority opinion of the business field in organizations that the only goal of a business should be to earn a profit. He further discusses that there are two differing points of view that many Christians have when understanding the concept of business. There are some Christians who do not associate with business or capitalism and believe that free trade is evil or a scam, and that it is these Christians who should not be associated with businesses. The other group of Christians work to believe that both capitalism and business are linked directly to the plans of God. There is a critical factor for business owners when it comes to the approach of business from a biblical worldview instead of the society driven materialistic view, this is because Christians are called by their religion to work as a community and to serve as God has planned, ultimately show God’s image in business. We are called to serve, and to also remain good stewards of the lives that God has given us said in 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 “This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful” (King James Bible, 2010). Agle and Buren Van (1999) says that stewardship is only as effective as the management is devoted to God’s intended purpose and objectives. The purpose of a business should not only be to maximize profits but to also creating opportunities for the community, production of goods and services, to overall benefit society. Profits are a tool and not the sole purpose of the business. Christian leadership must use their platform to help with relationships in communities and customers, to care for the community and the customers they serve.
- R. Agle H. J. Buren Van (1999) ‘God and Mammon: The Modern Relationship’ Business Ethics Quarterly 9 4 563–582
Oxford University Press. (2010). King James Bible.
Van Duzer, J. (2010). Why business matters to God [Video]. IVP Academic